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Session 9: The Official Novelization
Session 9: The Official Novelization | Brad Anderson, Christian Francis, Stephen Gevedon
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Session 9 The Official Novelization, is based on the classic 2001 motion picture by acclaimed director Brad Anderson. Released 23 years after the film first haunted audiences, this new novel by horror and dark fantasy author Christian Francis arrives just in time for the spooky season, promising to deliver a wealth of fresh nightmares to a new generation. Francis, known for his gripping novelizations of Wishmaster, Titan Find/Creature and Vamp, delves deeper into the eerie madness that made Session 9 such a horror gem. Set against the backdrop of the real-life abandoned mental institution, the Danvers State Hospital, the film’s atmospheric dread is reimagined on the page in Francis’ adept hands. This novel expands on the film’s screenplay, offering fans new insights into the characters’ psyches and unveiling more twisted, dark secrets from within the sinister asylum. “Bringing Session 9into a literary form has been a huge honor for me,” said Francis. “Brad’s movie is a personal favorite since I sat in the cinema watching it back in ‘01, and I relished being able to expand on its themes and explore the horrors within. My novelization is not only a tribute to Brad’s amazing creation, but also an invitation to revisit the fear that it first inspired in audiences.” Featuring a foreword by Brad Anderson
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Session 9: The Official Novelization | Brad Anderson, Christian Francis, Stephen Gevedon
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Based on the 2001 film by acclaimed director Brad Anderson, this book is set in Danvers State Hospital, an abandoned mental institution. The local council are looking to renovate the place to use as offices & the company chosen for the job consists of boss Gordon, supervisor Phil, & workers Mike, Hank, & Jeff. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Desperate for the work & needing to get it completed quickly for a hefty bonus, the group spend hours at the place but it seems as if they\'re not the only ones there with a strange figure dogging their footsteps. Slowly each man starts to realise that something is not right with the others, but is it in their heads or is something sinister at work?

First of all I\'ve never seen the film but I\'ve definitely put it on my TBW (To Be Watched) list.
OutsmartYourShelf t was a fairly short read but packed with tension & the constant drip of dread. I really liked how the issues between the men were subtly played on until the trust between them was fractured. The mostly psychological horror suddenly explodes into violence towards the end & it\'s almost shocking. I don\'t want to say any more so as not to give anything away but it was a perfect read for October. 1d
OutsmartYourShelf Creepy, atmospheric & I was on the edge of my seat all the way through. 4.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, BooksGoSocial, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6864097815
Read 1st-2nd Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 730 points
Words Found - Book, Creepy.

#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo @puddlejumper
#RedTaylorsVersion @emilymdxn
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#spookoween @thespineview
(edited) 1d
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PuddleJumper Definitely creepy 1d
Texreader What an excellent review 17h
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