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Shrines of Gaiety | Kate Atkinson
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An enjoyable historical novel set in 1920's London. It started slow but I liked how the various plotlines eventually wove together, and I also found the morally ambiguous characters (which, frankly, were almost all of them) interesting.

My first book finished for #HauntedShelf! #Flerken @PuddleJumper
#52bookclub (A revenge story)
#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo #PumpkabooHunt #GottaCatchEmAllSpooky

Librarybelle Yay! #LiteraryCrew is reading this one this month, and I‘m looking forward to it! 11h
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I will certainly drop in to see the discussion! 11h
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Texreader Fantastic! #letterS 10h
Ruthiella I liked this a lot too. I also liked how she kept the ending open for two certain characters. 9h
DieAReader 🎃👻Excellent!! 8h
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 5h
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This is a spin off from another series. I haven‘t read it and I didn‘t think I missed much. It‘s a mash up of ghosts, romance, save this failing business, and surprise grandchild.

All of the characters were awkward and adorable. I really hope this develops into a series as there were some interesting ideas and plots that weren‘t fully developed in the book.

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Session 9: The Official Novelization | Brad Anderson, Christian Francis, Stephen Gevedon
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Based on the 2001 film by acclaimed director Brad Anderson, this book is set in Danvers State Hospital, an abandoned mental institution. The local council are looking to renovate the place to use as offices & the company chosen for the job consists of boss Gordon, supervisor Phil, & workers Mike, Hank, & Jeff. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Desperate for the work & needing to get it completed quickly for a hefty bonus, the group spend hours at the place but it seems as if they\'re not the only ones there with a strange figure dogging their footsteps. Slowly each man starts to realise that something is not right with the others, but is it in their heads or is something sinister at work?

First of all I\'ve never seen the film but I\'ve definitely put it on my TBW (To Be Watched) list.
OutsmartYourShelf t was a fairly short read but packed with tension & the constant drip of dread. I really liked how the issues between the men were subtly played on until the trust between them was fractured. The mostly psychological horror suddenly explodes into violence towards the end & it\'s almost shocking. I don\'t want to say any more so as not to give anything away but it was a perfect read for October. 24h
OutsmartYourShelf Creepy, atmospheric & I was on the edge of my seat all the way through. 4.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, BooksGoSocial, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6864097815
Read 1st-2nd Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 730 points
Words Found - Book, Creepy.

#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo @puddlejumper
#RedTaylorsVersion @emilymdxn
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#spookoween @thespineview
(edited) 24h
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PuddleJumper Definitely creepy 22h
Texreader What an excellent review 15h
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Carmilla | Joseph Sheridan LeFanu
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Finally got around to my Carmilla re-read. Gets me into the autumnal feels

#HauntedShelf #Flerken

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Today has been a shit show with buses being late, clients cancelling and generally being shitty. I was in the right mood for paranormal silliness.

#HauntedShelf #Flerken

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes you really do need a book to take you away from reality! 😅 1d
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CBee I hope tomorrow is better ♥️ 1d
Texreader Glad the silliness helped make your day better 1d
OutsmartYourShelf Brilliant 👏 24h
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Bookshops & Bonedust | Travis Baldree
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I stayed up quite late last night reading this 😅

I loved this, I actually preferred this to Legends & Lattes. Restoring a failing bookshop, creating a sense of community and fighting a necromancer are just more my thing.

This had way more plot. The book recommendations given to Viv matched what was going on in the story which I loved.


PuddleJumper This didn't have that soporific effect of the first one because there was more plot. I would recommend this one to people first, there is a mention of Legends & Lattes in the epilogue but you don't need to have read it to enjoy this one.

AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 3d
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3d
Catsandbooks Cute kitty! 🖤 1d
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This one has some action in it! This is probably my favourite couple so far. The dynamic was different and they were both military.

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Apparently everyone wants to bang the furry aliens and there's a voluntary sex worker service set up. The plot is very unbelievable.

The characters were sweet though and as always it's a HEA.

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I usually kick start October with Camilla but I forgot to download it and the Wi-Fi on the bus is terrible. I'm on the bus a lot today so I'm going to read a bunch of the Furry Mates series.

It's an unserious alien furry romance with fated mates, insta love, and interesting bits.

This one has a plot! I enjoyed the plot.

I'll add the tags in later, that's too much work right now! First book for #HauntedShelf team #Flerken

TheAromaofBooks The tagging is always the most exciting part 😂 3d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🎃🖤 3d
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