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Joined June 2018

Fur Mama 🐱🐱🐱🐶 Founder of #LitsyCrafters and co-host of #FoodandLithttps://www.goodreads.com/user/show/38192277-leila-pisani
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The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart
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A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo
Summer Fridays: A Novel | Suzanne Rindell
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1. Zola had her monthly grooming yesterday and she has bows in her ears this time! So cute! 🎀
2. These little anole lizards are always hanging out in the yard. This guy was on my steps yesterday! 🦎
3. Star shaped sugar cookies
4. Listening to Billie Eilish's new album
5. My husband's hugs ❤️


dabbe #beautifulzola 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 1mo
TheBookHippie ♥️🐾♥️ awe!!! 1mo
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AnnCrystal 💝💝💝💝💝. 4w
DebinHawaii What a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Zola looks so precious in her bows! 🐶🎀 Thanks for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 4w
TheBookHippie Just checking in. ♥️ 16h
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#FoodandLit July Turkey 🇹🇷

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

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Bookwormjillk I have no idea what to read. I‘ll check out your list. 1mo
vonnie862 I don't have a book yet but I know a few places that have Turkish food. 1mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I won a copy of this one. Luckily it's by a Turkish author and set partly in Turkey and partly in Cyprus, so that settles the issue of finding something to read. 1mo
Itchyfeetreader I am so woefully behind I feel like I may never catch up BUT I do have turkey books bought ina. Little bookshop in Istanbul last year and I also own the tagged cookbook which has some family faves in so this might well be the month I get back on it! 1mo
46 likes7 comments
Fridays | Andrew Johns
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1. A baby opossum visited our yard this week! It was absolutely adorable 🩵
2. First BLTs of the summer
3. Visited a new to me restaurant for lunch, I had a chicken caesar wrap
4. When Zola lays her head on my tummy and looks up with the most adorable puppy dog eyes 🐶
5. Listening to music


Crazeedi BLT'S with garden 🍅, yum 1mo
DebinHawaii I love your joys list! 💛💛💛 A baby opossum & delicious BLT! 🎉 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1mo
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Hello #LitsyCrafters
We're halfway through the year already! How are your projects going? What have you been working on? Any issues? Any goals for the rest of the year?

I finished the above cross stitch, I've done a few little craft kits like sun catchers and diamond paintings, and I've still be working on my book blanket.

I look forward to seeing/hearing about your crafting adventures! 🌈

julesG Hello! I'm knitting a jumper for me. I've finished the body and am working on the sleeves. It's going to be a "Frankenstein-Jumper" because I'm using leftover yarn of different colours. 1mo
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Catsandbooks @julesG oh that will be so cool!! Can't wait to see it! 1mo
CatLass007 @julesG “Frankenstein-Jumper” — I love that phrase. @Catsandbooks That is a fabulous cross stitch pattern! If I didn‘t already have more cross stitch kits, books, and patterns, I‘d find a way to add it to my stash. I‘d like to tell everyone about all the projects I‘ve finished this year, but the closest I‘ve come to having something to show has been finding a pattern, buying the yarn, gathering all the supplies I‘ll need, and putting (cont)⬇️ 1mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve got my holiday cards almost all in golden books and decorated. My collage journal is actually up to date! I have to start on holiday presents soon. Haven‘t decided what I‘ll do yet. My nieces and nephews would like age appropriate blankets 🤣 they still sleep with the ones I made them as children 🤷🏻‍♀️. 1mo
julesG @TheBookHippie handmade gifts are precious. 1mo
TheBookHippie @julesG I agree they get socks, books, honey, jam every holiday and look forward to it. I just thought now that they‘re all approaching as follows : 26,25,24,23,22 - yes really those ages (WHEW) I should make adult blankets. 1mo
julesG @TheBookHippie amazing that they treasure their child-size blankets so much 1mo
KateReadsYA I've been crocheting my sister in law a blanket and then I'll be moving on to my brother's blanket next. :) I'm enjoying audio books more thanks to my new hobby 1mo
LiseWorks I love that cross stitch 💙 ♥️ 1mo
thebacklistbook I'm half done with a tree skirt. And a fifth of the way through a custom scarf. 1mo
vlwelser I love the cross stitch. I should post a pic of mine. It is so hard not to buy new projects. My aunt and I got sucked into a cross stitch shop in Belgium and we were both like no we need to leave immediately. 1mo
Chrissyreadit I love your embroidery! I have been ordering some downloads to make junk journals but have not actually gotten that far- and am working in the garden creating spaces… 1mo
TheSpineView I have been working on various paintings. I used to do a lot of water colors and recently have been experimenting. 1mo
peanutnine I haven't done much crafting this year, except working on my crochet temperature blanket here and there. However I recently started a few embroidery projects and feel like my craft inspiration is returning so hopefully I'll have some completed things to show off soon 😊 1mo
Kitta Almost done a cross stitch myself! 1mo
CrowCAH I‘ve slowly been working on a crochet baby blanket. Hoping to have it done this summer. 1mo
hissingpotatoes I'm waiting for a few more supplies to arrive and then I'll be sewing my own purse. 1mo
slategreyskies @Chrissyreadit I love junk journals and collaging and having fun with paper and glue, especially in altered book form. I would love to send you a packet of random paper bits to use in your junk journal, if you‘re interested. If so, let me know where to find your address. I can‘t remember if you‘re in Litsy Love or not. 🤍✨ 1mo
bookandbedandtea I've done a bunch of painting this year as well as cross stitch. I recently started my first diamond painting and I'm enjoying it. I'd like to try some string art and, after reading these comments, I'm intrigued by junk journals. 🤔 1mo
kelli7990 I did some digital coloring on my iPad. I googled some pictures I wanted to color, bought a Stylus Pen, downloaded an app to color pictures in and I colored some pictures. I‘m not coloring anything on paper or digitally right now. I‘ve been taking a break from it for a while but I‘m thinking about coming back to it. I like doing regular coloring or digital coloring while listening to audiobooks. 1mo
Roary47 I‘ve been repairing my girls dolls, sewing on Girl Scout patches, and making bracelets with the girls. I‘d like to finish my oldest‘s crochet blanket and start my little girls though this summer. 1mo
Meshell1313 Love that cross stitch! So fun!! I haven‘t knitted in sooo long but I am making tons of holiday cards using dots! I can‘t stop diamond dot painting! 1mo
julieclair I‘ve been working on finishing some long-neglected projects - cross-stitch bookmarks and a plastic canvas gingerbread village and ornaments for my grandsons. I also made some bracelets using Tila beads, and plan to do more as gifts. 1mo
Chrissyreadit @slategreyskies ohhhh!!! that is so kind of you! i would love it! if you email me at chrissyreadit@gmail.com i can give you my address 💛💛💛💛💛 1mo
AnnCrystal 👏🤩👍📚💝. 1mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie I am intrigued by the idea of a collage journal… 1mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair I tagged you in some old posts 🙃 1mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie Oh wow…just finished looking at them. Thank you so much! This SO speaks to me. My mind is whirling with ideas. I have no artistic talent, but I love ephemera. I have to give this a try! 1mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1mo
slategreyskies @Chrissyreadit okay, I just emailed you! 🤍 1mo
slategreyskies @julieclair I‘d love to see pics of some of your Tila bead bracelets if you ever feel like sharing. I love seeing other people‘s creations. I find it inspiring! 💕 1mo
slategreyskies @kelli7990 I love the idea of listening to audiobooks while coloring! I‘m not usually that into coloring, because my mind isn‘t engaged enough to sit still when I try, but I think it might work for me if I listened to an audiobook at the same time. Maybe I could also try audio puzzling too, since I have several jigsaw puzzles I received as gifts and have been wanting to put together. Thanks for the idea! 😊 1mo
slategreyskies @bookandbedandtea junk journaling is so much fun! To me, it‘s a really laidback and no pressure type of creating. If I try to jump right into a fancy art journal, sometimes I‘m too afraid of making a mistake to even start. But when it‘s a junk journal, there isn‘t the pressure of perfection. It‘s just play. You know what I mean? I like that about it. There are so many cool junk journal videos on YouTube. 1mo
slategreyskies @hissingpotatoes do you have a pattern picked out? Or maybe you‘ll create your own pattern? I‘m really excited for you! This is such a cool idea, and I‘d love to see pics if you‘re comfortable with sharing later on. 🤍 1mo
slategreyskies @TheSpineView you mentioned that you used to do a lot of watercolors but that now you were experimenting. What medium are you experimenting with? Watercolor or something else? I enjoy watercolor as well, but my last couple of paintings have been acrylic. I think watercolor might be easier for me than acrylic, though. 1mo
slategreyskies @TheSpineView I‘m having a tough time figuring out how to blend the colors right in acrylics. 1mo
slategreyskies @peanutnine you‘ll definitely have to post with the Litsy Crafters tag when you‘ve got something you want to show off. I know we‘d all love to see it! 💕 1mo
julieclair @slategreyskies I‘m happy to share a pic of my Tila bead bracelets! I‘m out of town right now without them, but I‘ll try to remember to post a pic when I get home. And… I love audio puzzling! I hope you try it and enjoy it. 🧩🎧 1mo
hissingpotatoes @slategreyskies I'm cobbling together patterns/instructions from a few books so I get the size, pockets, hardware, etc I want. I'll definitely post pics and list the books I used when it's done! 1mo
kwmg40 I've been doing a rewatch of the Expanse series and doing a lot of knitting while watching. I'm making another Hue Shift afghan (from a KnitPicks pattern) and a friend asked for a Ravenclaw scarf for Hallowe'en. 1mo
bookandbedandtea @slategreyskies I will investigate! 😁 1mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 thanks! Supplies are important! 1mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie That's fantastic! That's so wonderful they still use the blankets! 1mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA wonderful! Audiobooks are perfect for crafting! 1mo
Catsandbooks @thebacklistbook so fun and festive! 1mo
Catsandbooks @vlwelser yes I would love to see your progress! And I hear ya on buying stuff, it's so hard 1mo
Catsandbooks @Chrissyreadit sounds like fun! I'm so bad with plants, everything always dies 😂 1mo
Catsandbooks @TheSpineView that's wonderful! 1mo
Catsandbooks @peanutnine a temperature blanket is a huge project, way to go! 1mo
Catsandbooks @Kitta fantastic! 1mo
Catsandbooks @CrowCAH awesome! 1mo
Catsandbooks @bookandbedandtea so many fun activities! 1mo
Catsandbooks @kelli7990 I love to color! So fun! 1mo
Catsandbooks @Roary47 I love that you're crafting with your girls! 1mo
Catsandbooks @Meshell1313 those will be so cool! 1mo
Catsandbooks @julieclair that's wonderful! And that gingerbread village sounds awesome! 1mo
Catsandbooks @slategreyskies I hope your crafting is going well! Thanks for being such a supportive crafter! 1mo
Catsandbooks @kwmg40 it's great to enjoy a show and craft at the same time! 1mo
Kitta Can I be added to the tag list? 1mo
TheSpineView @slategreyskies I have been doing mostly acrylic lately. I have been experimenting with textures and I like to layer colors. There is a knack to getting the right color. I just keep trying different things until I get it right. 1mo
Catsandbooks @Kitta added you! 💖 1mo
OriginalCyn620 So sorry for being so late replying, but it‘s been a month! I have been crafting and I‘ll make a post later! 😜 4w
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June | Lori Copeland
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1. My husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this week ❤️
2. Seeing black vultures in my neighborhood
3. Half off pizza from Dominos
4. I took Zola (🐶) for a car ride and got her a pup cup
5. Long chats with my sister 💕 @CurvyCrochetGirl wanna join in?


TheBookHippie Awe!!!! 🩷🩷 2mo
Susanita Happy anniversary! 2mo
willaful Aww, you're so cute! 🍾 🎉🥂

Black vultures! Very cool -- I hope not ominous!
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dabbe Happy Anniversary! 💙💚💙 And for #zoomingzola ... 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
kspenmoll Happy Anniversary!!! 2mo
BookmarkTavern Happy Anniversary! 🥂 2mo
Leftcoastzen Happy Anniversary! 2mo
Ruthiella Happy Anniversary! 🥂🥳❤️ 2mo
AnnCrystal 💕🎉🥂🍾💝. 💕🐕🐦💝. 2mo
Cupcake12 Happy anniversary x 2mo
KadaGul Happy Anniversary 🥂🍷🍾🐶❤️😍💕💖👩‍❤️‍👨 2mo
Roary47 Happy anniversary!!! 2mo
Catsandbooks @Roary47 thank you! 2mo
DebinHawaii A lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 Happy Anniversary! 🎉 Black vultures would be so cool to see. Thanks for joining in & sharing the joy! 🤗 2mo
Catsandbooks @DebinHawaii Thank you Deb! And thank you for starting this! I look forward to it each week and it helps my mental health ❤️ 2mo
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1. Any romance! It happened one summer by Tessa Bailey is a great one

2. Not this year

3. I had an appointment that I was nervous for, but it ended up going really well!


Eggs Yay for # 3👌🏼👏🏻👍🏼 2mo
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Fangirl Down: A Novel | Tessa Bailey
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4.75/5 ⭐️ I love Tessa Bailey!

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Legendborn | Tracy Deonn
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4/5 ⭐️ I enjoyed this pick! #LMPBC It's on it way!

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 2mo
Leftcoastzen 😻👏 2mo
Meshell1313 Too cute! And yay! 2mo
Laughterhp I am behind right now on last month‘s read. I‘m only about 40 pages in but hope to get a big chunk read today! @KateReadsYA but if you prefer to get it sooner, I can send along without finishing it. 2mo
KateReadsYA @Laughterhp no it's okay, take your time :) 2mo
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4.5/5 ⭐️ #FoodandLit Spain 🇪🇸

Texreader 👍🏻😃 2mo
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Iceland | Andrew Evans
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#FoodandLit June Iceland 🇮🇸

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

52 likes6 comments
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1. I've been struggling with my mental and physical health for awhile now and last week things kinda blew up. I'm glad I'm still here.
2. I've been rewatching Grey's Anatomy. The best seasons are 1-10
3. Cold water on a hot day
4. Root beer floats
5. Kitty cuddles


TheBookHippie ♥️ Sending you so much love & light♥️ 2mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie thank you Christine ❤️ 2mo
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Ruthiella I‘m glad you are still here too. 2mo
DebinHawaii I am so glad you are still here too. 💛💛💛Wishing you strength and many small moments of joy to help you through. You are loved and needed and very brave for sharing. 💛💛💛 2mo
thebacklistbook Grey's is good and everything in the show improves dramatically post a certain later event. 2mo
AnnCrystal 🙏💝. 2mo
AnnCrystal “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.“ -John Green ⁣ 2mo
IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 2mo
RaeLovesToRead Sending love 🫂🫂🫂 2mo
Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 2mo
Leftcoastzen 💜💜💜 2mo
Read4life 💙💙💙 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau Glad you're still here, too 🫂💕🫂 2mo
DaveGreen7777 @Catsandbooks Sorry you‘ve been struggling with your mental health right now! 😩 Mental health issues can be so draining and even cause us to believe terrible lies about ourselves. Glad you‘re still with us and I hope things get better for you real soon! 🙏 2mo
Liz_M I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. You help make Litsy a welcoming, fun place. I'm grateful for your continued presence here. I hope you find peace soon 2mo
MaGoose Sending you love 🩵💙❤️ 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence I‘m so so sorry things are that bad. Sending you strength. 💗💗 2mo
CarolynM Sending love and hugs 💕 2mo
slategreyskies Just now seeing this post. I just want you to know that I‘ve been in a similar place before, so I know how hard it is to keep fighting when you don‘t have anything left to give. I‘m so sorry you‘ve been hurting. Sending you so much love. 🤍🫂 2mo
42 likes22 comments
Happy Friday | Blue Ridge Art
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1. I've been coloring a lot in the Happy Color app, especially nice while listening to audiobooks
2. Grateful for A/C as the temps are starting to rise
3. Two of my kitties, Zeke and Luna, cuddling in a laundry basket
4. Talking to my niece via FaceTime, she makes me laugh
5. Orange Creamsicles 🧡

KadaGul @Catsandbooks One ☝️ of Cats 🐈,Bilge ,loves 😻 to roll in the dirty or clean laundry 🧺. #Petlife 3mo
AnnCrystal 💕😻😻💝. 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 3mo
Jari-chan 😻😻😻 3mo
DebinHawaii Such a lovely list of joys! 💛💛💛 I love the kitties in the laundry basket! 🧺 🐱🐱 & now I‘m craving a creamsicle! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 3mo
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Psyche and Eros: A Novel | Luna McNamara
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4/5 ⭐️ I enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first. I didn't mind that it was a traditional Greek mythology telling. Sending it out tomorrow! #LMPBC

KateReadsYA @Laughterhp @Meshell1313 @Catsandbooks I've also sent mine out as well. I forgot to post it because I've been so busy! 3mo
Meshell1313 @KateReadsYA I got it today! It‘s the one I‘m most excited for! 3mo
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The Sun and the Void | Gabriela Romero Lacruz
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2.5/5 ⭐️ Disappointed in this Venezuelan-based folklore fantasy. It had so much potential and a really great world, but I think the author tried to do too much. It is the first in a series so maybe there will be more development later on
#FoodandLit Venezuela 🇻🇪

But Zola says hi! I'm behind on Litsy stuff as I'm just starting to feel better after getting sick with a cold that went to my chest and inflamed my asthma

AnnCrystal 💝🐶💝. Oh my! Glad you're getting better 🙏👍. 3mo
Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 3mo
Catsandbooks @AnnCrystal thank you! 3mo
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Leftcoastzen 🐶👏 3mo
Bookwormjillk Hi Zola. I‘m glad you‘re feeling better ❤️ 3mo
dabbe #zenfulzola Glad you're feeling better! 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
Catsandbooks @Bookwormjillk @dabbe Thank you! ❤️ 3mo
54 likes7 comments
Spain | Jan Morris
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#FoodandLit May Spain 🇪🇸

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

TheBookHippie Yay!! 3mo
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Sace Cool! Could I be added to the tag list por favor? 3mo
Catsandbooks @Sace added you! ☺️ 3mo
Texreader You‘re the best!! 3mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m not ready for it to be May, but looking forward to this! 3mo
Itchyfeetreader I have not been doing great at this challenge this year but Spain I think I. Can manage 3mo
Sace @Catsandbooks thank you! 3mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I've been wanting to read The Labyrinth of the Spirits by Carlos Ruiz Zafón for about 2 or 3 years now. That is what I'm reading. It's a chunkster. It might be the only book I read in May. 🤣 3mo
emz711 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick it's incredible. And made me want to go back to the shadow of the wind. I also think I immediately started the labyrinth over as soon as I was done 3mo
emz711 @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick crz is exactly who I thought for this post! 3mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @emz711 I've really enjoyed everything I've read by him, but it took me a week or two to realize he is exactly who to choose! ??‍♀️I think my mind thought "Barcelona" but didn't make the connection that it's in Spain right away! ? 3mo
MaGoose @Catsandbooks Hi 👋 Please sign me up. Thanks. 3mo
Catsandbooks @MaGoose added you! ☺️ 3mo
56 likes16 comments
Icebreaker | Hannah Grace
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4.5/5 ⭐️ I forgot to post this review, but I loved this book! It was funny and sweet and spicy! #littensloveromance

CW: eating disorder, but I think it was handled really well and I say this as someone who struggles with disordered eating

Leftcoastzen 😻 3mo
70 likes1 comment
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1. Zola looked so cute in the flowers in our yard
2. I put a plastic clover on Zeke's head 😂
3. Flavored lemonade from my favorite local cafe
4. Late night conversation with hubby ❤️
5. Laying in my hammock when the weather was absolutely perfect ☀️


DebinHawaii I love your joyful list! Zola in the flowers is adorable & of course, lemonade! 💛💛💛 Thank you for joining in & spreading the joy! 🤗 3mo
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#tlt #ThreeListThursday

1. The Vampire Diaries show is amazing and the books are meh

2. Big Little Lies was fantastic and added so much more than the book

3. You - Penn Badgley is deliciously creepy

Honorable mentions - True Blood, Gossip Girl, The Princess Diaries

(And yes ik these are all tv shows but I enjoy TV shows far more than movies)

dabbe They're still shows! 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚🩷💚 4mo
Ruthiella Fair assessment and television often provides the space and time some adaptations need, as opposed to a two hour movie. 👍 4mo
Traci1 Definitely agree with The Vampire Diaries. 4mo
KadaGul @Catsandbooks @Traci1 I initially watched The Vampire Diaries but couldn't get into the book series when it was first released. 4mo
TieDyeDude “You“ is fun! I had looked into the book, but I'm good with the series. Ready for the final season. 4mo
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Wacky Wednesday | Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg, George Booth
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Depending on my mood and my headspace I go back and forth between audiobooks and physical books. Sometimes I even do both at the same time, which is a lot of fun to feel even more immersed in the story!


Wanna play? @KateReadsYA @Laughterhp @Meshell1313 @Texreader

Meshell1313 Ooh fun! Thanks for the tag! 4mo
Eggs Thanks for playing and sharing 🩷💜🩷 4mo
42 likes2 comments
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The husband and I ventured to a Korean BBQ restaurant and had a feast! Lots of veggies and meats, our favorite was the bulgogi beef. We also had the Korean fish shaped pastry filled with red beans and fried rice cakes with powdered sugar!
And the other day I made cheesy Korean corn (bottom right Pic), it was delicious!

#FoodandLit Korea 🇰🇷

UwannaPublishme Looks so good! 😋 4mo
Texreader Yay!!! This all looks so good! 4mo
Chrissyreadit wow!! 4mo
64 likes3 comments
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5/5 ⭐️ I love these characters so much!! 😭😍❤️


AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 4mo
TheBookHippie 🙃💕 4mo
Cupcake12 Such a pretty cover 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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#FoodandLit April - Venezuela 🇻🇪

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

48 likes7 comments
The Devil Makes Three | Tori Bovalino
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2.5/5 ⭐️ I don't want to say too much because it's a #LMPBC but this had more gore than I was expecting, so check those content warnings.

I sent it out today 📬

KateReadsYA Oh heck, yes!!! 🤩 I'm so excited. 4mo
Meshell1313 Woah! I‘m intrigued! 4mo
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If You Leave Me: A Novel | Crystal Hana Kim
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3/5 ⭐️ Light pick for this #FoodandLit Korea book. Love triangle set during the Korean war and the years following. Very sad though.

TheBookHippie It sounds good! 4mo
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Same Time Next Year | Tessa Bailey
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4/5 ⭐️ Fun novella from one of my favorite authors! This would have been even better if it was longer so the characters were more developed

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#BooksinBloom Readathon
🌼March 15 - 22🌼
🌸Set your own goals🌸

My husband has a conference so I decided to host a readathon! I'm hoping to get through at least 2 books. 💐📚

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Hello #LitsyCrafters ☺️ How is your 2024 going so far?

This year I'm crocheting a book blanket! Each color is a different genre and the number of rows is the star rating I gave it. Above is what I have so far!
One of my goals this year is to complete more projects that I've already started.

If you'd like to be added or removed from the #LitsyCrafters tag list let me know.

Lauredhel Omg I love this idea! 5mo
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TheBookHippie Oh my word this is so cool. 5mo
TheBookHippie I‘ve been doing good on my collages. I‘m looking to expand that. 5mo
Larkken Lovely! What a great idea. 5mo
Larkken I‘ve been teaching myself how to use procreate and knitting and tinking… knitting and tinking 😎 5mo
Texreader OMG, I love this Leila!! 5mo
Lindy Very cool idea for a blanket! I‘m knitting myself a pair of gloves. I will make separate post about them. 5mo
Texreader @Gilly18 : Leila, or @catsandbooks as well know her, runs #LitsyCrafters and crafts cover the gamut. She‘s much more talented than me… I stick to paper crafts but here she is knitting!! 5mo
kelli7990 I started a cross stitch picture on my cross stitch app but I haven‘t finished it yet. 5mo
AnnCrystal Wow! That's fantastic 🧶👏🤩👍📚💝. 5mo
julesG I like that you're basing the rows of your blanket on your star rating. I've finished a shawl and am currently working on a top-down raglan-ish sweater (the very first jumper I'm making for myself). 5mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I LOVE this idea! 😍 Unfortunately I haven‘t had much time to work on any of my crafts yet. Free time has been in short supply and when I do get it, I read. 😅 5mo
bthegood great idea and beautiful - 🙂 5mo
Amiable That is fabulous! 5mo
Chrissyreadit great idea!!! I have a few projects i‘m going to attempt this month… one is easy- printing stationery and cards- the next step is embellishing, and my third project is to try and make a crossbody using cloth napkins i fell in love with. I have not had the bandwidth to be crafty for several years so i‘m crossing my fingers. 5mo
Chrissyreadit i‘m excited to see how your blanket turns out! 5mo
mcctrish What a fabulous idea for a blanket ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
peanutnine Love your blanket!! The only craft I've worked on this year so far is my reading journal. I do have a blanket that I've been crocheting for years, that I'm determined to finish this year! I'll keep you posted 5mo
vlwelser The blanket is so pretty. I love the colors you picked. I'm still plugging along on my epic cross stitch project. We're full time back in office so commuting cuts into my craft time but whatever. 5mo
CrowCAH What a neat genre review blanket idea! I crocheted a prayer shawl. And am in the process of crocheting a baby blanket for whenever the need arises I‘ll have one ready. 5mo
TheSpineView Cool idea 😎 5mo
kwmg40 Great idea! I've been working on several knitting projects but trying to get back into sewing. After not sewing for 10 years or so, I'm trying to first reclaim some sewing space in my house! 5mo
KateReadsYA I'd like to be added to the list 🤗 5mo
MaureenMc I love this 😍 5mo
Meshell1313 I love this idea! Will have to try it sometime. I‘m still in scarf mode. I find a pattern I like and then make it in every single color. Anyone else do this? 😂 5mo
CatLass007 @julesG What is tinking? I know that in crochet, unraveling work already done is referred to as frogging. Is that what tinking means or does it mean something else? 5mo
CatLass007 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I started listening to audiobooks while I crochet in 2011. Before that I didn‘t think I would like audiobooks. Audiocrocheting is the only thing I multitask. I can‘t audio-crosstitch. What craft do you do? 5mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @CatLass007 I knit, do junk journal, and I dabble in sculpting and sewing. I‘ve tried audiobooks several times and I just can‘t seem to get my brain to focus. I always find myself daydreaming and I snap back to the audio and have no idea where I left off. 🤦‍♀️😅 5mo
CatLass007 I think you have a great idea for your book review blanket. It‘s going to be a great finished project in December. I have posted projects that I planned to work on twice now, and haven‘t even started working on either of them. So my first goal is to pick up my crochet hook and start on fingerless gloves that I promised for December. Let me rephrase, I told three people that I would be making something for them but I didn‘t say what. 5mo
julesG @CatLass007 Frogging is unravelling for knitters, too. But if you "knit backwards" because you don't want to unravel your work it's called tink (knit backwards). Unravelling is harder when knitting, you have live stitches on your needles all the time and unravelling means you risk stitches slipping for several rows. 5mo
CatLass007 I also have five afghans that are almost finished plus two that I started a couple of years ago and have not gotten much done. So, fingerless gloves then afghans. That‘s my crafting goal for the year. 5mo
julesG Where did my comment for @Larkken go? Anyway, I said that 'tinking' is the worst and I had to tink p3tog several times. 5mo
CatLass007 @julesG I tried learning to knit several years ago. I was constantly crocheting at the time so I never had much time to knit. I know the basics of knitting and I know that frogging is more difficult in knitting. Do you use straight needles or circular needles? A friend of mine who can do everything that can be done with yarn or thread got her first circular needles several years ago and now that‘s all she uses. 5mo
julesG @CatLass007 I've always used circular needles. I know how to knit with the straight ones (a friend taught me Irish cottage knitting method - not sure whether that's how it's called) but find circular needles more comfortable. 5mo
bookandbedandtea Your blanket is so cool! I've been cross stitching lately but not painting recently. I've been clearing out my craft closet so I can actually find things I look for which has (temporarily) created a far bigger mess than I had. 🤷‍♀️ 5mo
BookwormAHN Fantastic idea for a blanket. I have a wobble kit I want to try this month. 5mo
Larkken @julesG I wonder wheee that comment went! Ugh, tinking anything higher than a 2tog is rough! And tinking in lace is beyond me. Might as well frog entirely and start fresh. 5mo
Larkken @CatLass007 @julesG “tink” is just knit spelled backwards and the action is similarly mirrored. I usually find it somewhat therapeutic (but frogging is more so 😜). Have you heard of flexiflip needles? They‘re dpns with a flexible section in the middle and are my new obsession since circulars mess with my gauge. 5mo
CatLass007 @bookandbedandtea Isn‘t that the way it‘s supposed to work? Create an even bigger mess to get organized? That‘s the way I always do it. 5mo
bookandbedandtea @CatLass007 That is absolutely the way it works! I always remind my husband "worse before better." ? 5mo
CatLass007 @bookandbedandtea I don‘t have to answer to anyone else but my cats. They never complain about the mess and I think they actually enjoy it. I‘m the one that gets frustrated by the mess because I want everything done immediately. I want to twitch my nose or blink my eyes and it‘s magically done. 5mo
OriginalCyn620 What a cool idea! I kinda want to learn to knit or crochet…maybe one day I‘ll try it, but with something super simple. 5mo
SusanLee That‘s such a neat idea! I have been crocheting gingerbread man 😅 No crafting goals this year as I have many WIP so need to finish those first 😢 (edited) 5mo
julieclair Love the blanket idea! I‘ve been cross stitching. My goal this year is to finish my many works in progress. I‘d also like to try paper crafting (edited) 5mo
Kenyazero This is such a cool temperature blanket idea! 🤩 I hope it‘s been fun to work on so far! I haven‘t been working on my own crafts but am assembling a book nook kit right now. 5mo
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie That's wonderful! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @Larkken I would love to try procreate! 5mo
Catsandbooks @Texreader Thank you Karen! ☺️🩷and welcome to Litsy @Gilly18 🎉 5mo
Catsandbooks @kelli7990 cross stitch is so fun! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @julesG That's amazing! I'm sure it will be beautiful! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm totally understandable 😊 5mo
Catsandbooks @Chrissyreadit sounds like you have great plans! 😊 5mo
Catsandbooks @peanutnine you got this! I actually have another blanket I started back in 2015 that I still haven't finished 😅but I just keep starting other things 😂 5mo
Catsandbooks @vlwelser dang commuting! It looks wonderful though! I remember when you just started it! 😊 5mo
Catsandbooks @CrowCAH that's wonderful! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @kwmg40 you got this! 💖 5mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA added you! ☺️ 5mo
Catsandbooks @Meshell1313 love a good scarf! 💖 5mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 you got this!🙌🏼 sometimes the hardest part is starting 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @bookandbedandtea that's great! 🩷The craft organization can be so stressful! Good luck! 5mo
Catsandbooks @BookwormAHN sounds fun!! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @OriginalCyn620 easiest project to start with is a scarf, it's just a long rectangle 😂 5mo
Catsandbooks @SusanLee gingerbread man sounds fun! 🩷 And I hear ya on the WIPs... It's Neverending lol 5mo
Catsandbooks @julieclair love cross stitch! And such a good goal! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @Kenyazero that sounds so cute! 💖 5mo
Catsandbooks Thanks for all the love on this project y'all! 🥰 5mo
CatLass007 I was just thinking… What do you do about DNFs? I learned how to bail because of Litsy. It‘s very liberating. 5mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 I just don't stitch those. Only books I finish and give a rating will I stitch. 5mo
CatLass007 That makes sense. I tend to give most books a high rating because it would be really foolish of me to waste time on a one or two star book. 5mo
Catsandbooks @CatLass007 yeah most of mine are 3 and above for the same reason. Only if I really want to know how it ends or it's a buddy read, can I be persuaded to stick it out lol 5mo
CatLass007 I understand. If it‘s a buddy read, I sometimes stick it out. I did bail on The Brothers Karamazov pretty early on. And I started late for The Golden Notebook. Since no one who read it seemed to like it, I chose to return it to Audible and use my credit for something else. 5mo
SusanLee @Catsandbooks I know right! 🙏🏻😅 5mo
rretzler Please add me to the tag - I‘ve almost always got some project going on, usually knitting, but am actually between projects right now. 4mo
Catsandbooks @rretzler added you! ☺️ 4mo
70 likes77 comments
Anna K | Jenny Lee
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3/5 ⭐️ This was an Anna Karenina retelling but with young rich teens in New York. I've never read the original Anna but this was wild. These kids were out of control, so much drugs, alcohol, and sex. I read it early for #FoodandLit South Korea as the main family is Korean, but it wasn't really a part of the story.

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Donut Fall in Love | Jackie Lau
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3.5/5 ⭐️ Cute story with so much tasty food. I wish there was more development with Ryan's father, but I think the grief storyline was well written.

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#FoodandLit March South Korea 🇰🇷

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

See All 8 Comments
BarbaraBB Thanks! Looking forward to it, my book will be about but not set in South Korea 5mo
mcctrish I am finally going to knock Pachinko off my towering TBR 5mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I was hoping to read X/Y by Esther Yi to satisfy a challenge prompt, but my library posted some recommendations, and there's suddenly 7 people who have the book on hold. 😬 I have this other one on my shelf, set in the demilitarized zone, so I'll read that instead. 5mo
yourfavouritemixtape I am looking forward to this and will again be able to read something off my TBR pile! 5mo
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The Dawnhounds | Sascha Stronach
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4/5 ⭐️ This was quite the genre blending adventure! Great commentary on government and police corruption, LGBTQIA rights, class warfare, and more all set in a fantasy biopunk world. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series coming out this fall!
#FoodandLit New Zealand 🇳🇿

Texreader Wow it has everything!! 5mo
BookBr Have this on my TBR — I might need to bump it up! 😍 5mo
59 likes2 comments
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Hey gals! Here's my picks, but if you don't like any of these I have tons more!

See All 16 Comments
KateReadsYA Omg, The Devil Makes Three has my vote!!!!! I loved not good for maidens by her! 🖤 5mo
KateReadsYA Just saw the tagged book 🤣🤣🤣🥰 5mo
Meshell1313 Oooh man- this is going to be the best group ever. I‘m loving all of the choices! I haven‘t read any of them but based on reviews my top would be the devil makes 3 and this golden flame- all right up my alley! 5mo
Laughterhp Ooh I haven‘t read any of these yet! That almost never happens. 5mo
Laughterhp I‘m good with any but my top choices would be year of the reaper or the bright and the pale. 5mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA I love your tagged book too! 🩷 5mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA @meshell1313 @LaughterHp is the devil makes three OK with everyone? I can pull more books too if y'all want. 5mo
KateReadsYA @Catsandbooks Yes for me 😊 5mo
Laughterhp Yup! That‘s fine! 5mo
Meshell1313 @Catsandbooks sounds great! Let‘s do it! 5mo
46 likes16 comments
Fantasy Book Clubs: The Magic of Themes and Symbols | Mary Ehrenworth, Maria Colleen Cruz
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We need 2 more people for our Fantasy group for the final round of #LMPBC

Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vkmQzUrDDP80lAM1fsanpoiJiv05NxU1qR3ZSbGY...

Laughterhp Just signed up! 5mo
Catsandbooks @Laughterhp Yay!! 🎉 💖 5mo
Meshell1313 Yay! I‘ll start thinking of my options and pose them to you both soon! Soo many choices - can‘t wait to see what choices you both think of!🤔 @Laughterhp @Catsandbooks 5mo
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KateReadsYA @Laughterhp @Catsandbooks @Meshell1313 Hey I'm wanting to join the Cool Girls Club, can I sit with yall?! 🤣🥰👑🗡💜 5mo
Catsandbooks @KateReadsYA Absolutely!! 🙌🏼💁🏼‍♀️💖 5mo
Catsandbooks So excited to read with y'all! ☺️ can't wait to see what we'll be reading! 🩵 @Meshell1313 @LaughterHp @KateReadsYA (edited) 5mo
Meshell1313 @KateReadsYA yay!!!!! You can sit with us but on Wednesdays we wear pink 😉😂 5mo
KateReadsYA @Meshell1313 🤣🤭 woohoo!!! 5mo
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Book Club Journal | Sanne Vliegenthart
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The final round of #LMPBC is happening soon so if you'd like to join in visit the wonderful @suvata 's page!

I'm doing a witchy book group ✨

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A day late, but I wanted to show what I made my husband for Valentine's day! ❤️ We've really been into Ted Lasso lately so I made it a theme. Here's my card, a paper box, and the shortbread biscuits from the show that I all made! #LitsyCrafters

Leftcoastzen Nice! 5mo
Ruthiella Sweet! What a lucky guy. 😃 5mo
Texreader Love this! And such a great show!! 5mo
See All 11 Comments
TheBookHippie Awe. 5mo
Cupcake12 Love this x 5mo
Chelsea.Poole LOVE Ted Lasso! I‘ve not made the shortbread but I want to! Which recipe do you use? (edited) 5mo
Deblovestoread Fantastic! 5mo
Catsandbooks @Chelsea.Poole I used this recipe, which calls for granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar. The powdered will create a crisper drier biscuit compared to the granulated which will make a softer biscuit. Just depends what kind you want. https://www.jessicagavin.com/ted-lasso-biscuits/ 5mo
Chelsea.Poole @catsandbooks thanks so much! I also like a softer cookie so these will be perfect. I can‘t wait to try! 5mo
Catsandbooks @Chelsea.Poole you're welcome! Let me know how they go! ☺️ 5mo
57 likes11 comments
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Birthday Book Haul!! 🎉

Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 5mo
mcipher Happy birthday!! 5mo
BookmarkTavern Happy birthday!🎈🎊🎂🎉🎁 5mo
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maich Happy birthday 5mo
Leftcoastzen Yay! Happy Birthday!🎂🎁 5mo
TheBookgeekFrau Happy Birthday! 🎉 5mo
willaful Makes it worth getting older, doesn't it. 😁 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Those Lovelight Farm covers are impossible to resist! Happy birthday!! 5mo
Littlewolf1 Happy Birthday 🎂🎈 🎉 5mo
AnnCrystal 🎉🎂🥳🎁📚💝. 5mo
SpellboundReader 🎂🍾🎉 5mo
66 likes13 comments
The Birthdays | Heidi Pitlor
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February is always a busy month for me!
My husband and I both have birthdays this month, mine's today! Of course there's Valentine's day too. Also our dating anniversary! This year we've been together a whole decade! 🎉 💕 Time has flown by and I'm so proud of how far we've come! Looking forward to the next decade with you by my side! ❤️

julesG Happy Birthday! 6mo
willaful You're adorable! Love your hubby's dimples. 6mo
Chrissyreadit Happy Happy Birthday! Cheers to an awesome month and year of celebrating YOU! 🎉❤️🎉 6mo
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maich Happy birthday💐🎂❤️ 6mo
Bookwormjillk Happy birthday and congratulations 🎉 6mo
slategreyskies I‘m so happy for you! Here‘s to an amazing month ahead for both of you! 🥂 💕✨ 6mo
Jari-chan Happy birthday and happy anniversary! 6mo
IndoorDame Happy birthday!!!!! 6mo
Cortg Happy Birthday and enjoy your special month 💞 6mo
Susanita Happy birthday!! 6mo
BookishMadHatter Happy birthday? 6mo
Amiable Happy birthday and happy all your other special days! 🎂🍾🎉 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Sounds like a general Happy February is in order!! 😂 6mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! 🎊🎂❤️🥂🎉 6mo
ShelleyBooksie Happy Birthday 6mo
quietjenn Happy birthday! Enjoy your busy month! 6mo
Read4life Happy birthday! This is such a great photo 💙 6mo
Light_of_Aether I'm looking forward to our next decade together, too! 💜 6mo
peanutnine Happy birthday and anniversary! 💕☺️🎉 6mo
Megabooks Happy birthday and congratulations!! 🎉🎉 6mo
Liz_M Happy everything and thank you for making Litsy a better place 💖 6mo
dabbe HB! 🩷💜❤️ 6mo
TieDyeDude 🎈 🎉 Happy Birthday! 6mo
AnnCrystal 🎉🎂💝🎂🥳🥂. 6mo
Catsandbooks @Liz_M Thank you for saying those kind words Liz! 🥰 6mo
Gissy Happy Birthday 🎉 🎊 🎂 6mo
RaeLovesToRead Lovely picture! Happy Birthdays and Anniversary! 💕💕 6mo
MaureenMc 🍾🎉🎂 6mo
62 likes30 comments
Donut Fall in Love | Jackie Lau
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Cuddling with my little Luna belle for #hyggehour

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 6mo
Chrissyreadit 🩵🩵🩵 6mo
TheBookHippie 💕💕💕💕💕 6mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
mabell Great photo! 6mo
AllDebooks ❤️ Purr-fect, there, I said it 🐾❤️ 6mo
AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 6mo
57 likes7 comments
Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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An easy choice for January! Immortal Longings by Chloe Gong 🤌🏼

Feel free to grab a blank one on my page or here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ogcYdNAw3yOaDwgzjqXmjndFLJ8l93JS/view?usp=drive...

Karisimo Thanks for the template! 6mo
InkedBookworm13 Thanks. I love this template. 😀 6mo
47 likes2 comments
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4/5 ⭐️ I normally don't like short stories but I really enjoyed this collection! I loved that every story had strong female characters! My favorites were Nefertiti, Attem, Naleli, and Orin.
#FoodandLit Ghana 🇬🇭

vonnie862 Ooh, this looks good! 6mo
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Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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4.75/5 ⭐️ Chloe Gong has done it again!! Heavy world building that was a bit much in the beginning but otherwise fantastic dark fantasy! And wow what a cliffhanger! 🤯

#ChloeGongReadalong #SeriesLove2024

(Pictures found on pinterest)

TheSpineView Sounds good! 6mo
TheBookHippie So good!! 6mo
47 likes2 comments
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1. It's a quiet week so just my regular routine.
2. Tagged for #FoodandLit 🇬🇭 Enjoying it!
3. Creative and organized


Cupcake12 Have a good week. Thanks for joining in x 6mo
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Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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I put the bonus material that is in my Immortal Longings copy up on drive for the group to view! It contains a conversation with Chloe Gong and an annotated chapter.

If you have any issues accessing it, let me know 🖤


38 likes3 comments
The Neighbor Favor | Kristina Forest
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2/5 ⭐️ I think I'm in the minority here, but I did not care for this book. I don't like when the majority of the book could have been solved if the characters just had an honest conversation. #littensloveromance

CatLass007 I didn‘t care for it either. I chose to bail, for many of the reasons you listed. 6mo
LiseWorks I agree, for me it was the MC and yes it was way too long. Conversations needed to be done for sure. The concept for the story was good though. 6mo
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New Zealand Stories | Katherine Mansfield
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#FoodandLit February New Zealand 🇳🇿

To participate read a book that takes place in the country or is by an author from the country. Also enjoy food from the country. Share your experience with the tag #FoodandLit & tag @Catsandbooks & @Texreader

Resources, including a book list & more, can be found at https://foodandlit.pisani.me/

If you're not currently tagged in #FoodandLit news & would like to be, let me know.

58 likes11 comments
Done and Dusted | Lyla Sage
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3.75/5 ⭐️ My first western romance was a sweet and steamy one. One thing that really bothered me was the male MC calling the female MC "sugar" a million times ?

I've been playing around with some picture editing apps and made this! #LitsyCrafters

mabell Cool graphic! 6mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I love graphics like this - what app did you use? 6mo
TheBookHippie You going to do valentine card swap again ? 6mo
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Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie no sorry, I just don't have it in me right now to do all the work for a swap 6mo
Catsandbooks @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I used canva, but I've also used picsart before 6mo
Ladygodiva7 I like the picture, sugar! 😂 6mo
Catsandbooks @Ladygodiva7 noooooo 😬😂 6mo
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The Book of the Year | No Such Thing As A Fish
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I made a #BookBracket for 2024!
I added in wild card options, for people to use however they like. Your bracket, your rules!

Please feel free to share!
I also have a link where you can download your own copy, if you prefer to get it that way 🩵 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ogcYdNAw3yOaDwgzjqXmjndFLJ8l93JS/view?usp=drive...

mom_of_4 Just saved this to my phone. 6mo
Sapphire Thanks! 6mo
Crazeedi On my phone 6mo
See All 16 Comments
lauraisntwilder Thank you! 6mo
ElizaMarie Ooo this is great! Thank you so much! also, question (this might be an obvious thing, but I am confused because I get confused - ha) what does “wild card“ mean? 6mo
CBee @ElizaMarie I want to know too, you‘re not the only one 😂 Thanks for doing this @Catsandbooks 😊 6mo
BookmarkTavern Clever! 💕 6mo
Megabooks Love this! 6mo
dabbe Love it! Thanks! And love our new pic, too! 💜🩶💜 6mo
Maggie4483 This is awesome! Thank you!! 6mo
Catsandbooks @ElizaMarie @CBee wild card could be a book that got voted out in a previous round that you feel needs another chance or maybe you had 2 favorite books one month and had a hard time choosing one, you can then use it as your wild card option. It's up for your interpretation and what works for you. Hope this helps! ❤️ 6mo
Catsandbooks @dabbe Thanks Denise 🥰 6mo
CBee @Catsandbooks it does, thank you ♥️ 6mo
dabbe @Catsandbooks You knew I meant “Y“our, right? 😂 #stupidEnglishteacher 6mo
Catsandbooks @dabbe 😂 yes I knew what you meant! 6mo
peanutnine Ooo I love how you've separated the months so they're not consecutively pitted against each other! 6mo
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Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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A letter from Chloe Gong to the readers and the character art that was on the reverse side of the letter

Nothing better happen to Mao Mao or I will be very upset!

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Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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More artwork ✨

TL: front endpapers
TR: back endpapers
Bottom: reverse dust jacket of Calla with her cat Mao Mao

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Immortal Longings | Chloe Gong
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I wanted to share the gorgeous artwork on my special edition of Immortal Longings!

TL: front dust jacket
TR: sprayed edges
BL: back dust jacket, with the numbers 57 and 86 in gloss print
BR: hardcover with blue foil

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IndoorDame Oooh, I love sprayed edges! And this is exquisite! 7mo
5feet.of.fury So pretty!!! 7mo
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vlwelser This is amazing. I love it. 7mo
Meshell1313 Wow! That is absolutely stunning! 😍😍 7mo
TheBookHippie Oh I love it!!!!! 7mo
AnnCrystal WOWSERS!! 🤩👍. 7mo
49 likes7 comments