Reading for #ReadingOceania2024 by the fire tonight. It‘s good to get outside a bit.
Reading for #ReadingOceania2024 by the fire tonight. It‘s good to get outside a bit.
Ben Kella is the aofia (the leader) of his people in the #SolomonIslands and a police sergeant working for the Brits as they are slowing turning the Islands over to independence. Sister Conchita is the new nun posted to his island, some of whose people are Catholic but many remain true to their mystical roots. A series of murders and other illegal activities lead the sergeant and the nun on the hunt to unravel this complex web and do their ⬇️
I feel so fortunate. I have a few hours to read tonight with my reading buddy. I‘m about to finish the tagged ebook, then I‘ll pick up my IRL book again, Beasts of a Little Land. 😌
How are you spending your Sunday evening?
#SolomonIslandsw #readingOceania @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB #SouthKorea #foodandlit @Catsandbooks
This sure makes me want to look up these two books!!
#SolomonIslands #readingOceania @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
Hmmm. We humans are “long pigs.” Quite a history of cannibalism in Oceania.
#SolomonIslands #readingOceania @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
Maps always appreciated. #SolomonIslands #readingOceania @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
I‘ve picked my next ebook for #SolomonIslands #readingOceania @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
I bailed. Bother.
I think if I‘d read this all in one gulp, it would have been fine. I loved the Solomon Islands setting and learning a little about the cultures there. It‘s a potentially fun not-quite-cosy, with a local policeman/traditional peace-keeper and an English nun.
But I never particularly warmed to the main characters and, having set it aside for a few weeks, I found I wasn‘t that fussed about the story. Ho hum. Moving on…
#readaroundtheworld #solomonislands Although not fantastic literature and unfortunately not written by an islander, I did find this Solomon Island detective noir in the tropics to be a delightful read. The plot includes a Catholic nun, a native Sargent holy man and a host of natives and ex-pats ruled by forces that do not strictly align with western logic. There is action, sex and the required number of twists and turns that the genre demands.
Excited to start reading this.... a detective story set in the Solomon Islands featuring a nun who investigates crimes. What's not to like?! Found the story very gripping and learnt lots about the culture but found references in the local language made the story a little tricky to understand in places.
Looks so cozy. Too warm here for being outside! 5mo