A new David Walliams book is always a fun weekend read!
Enjoyed this... I like the way Steve Cole writes about young Bond and how he has developed the character. Not sure how much children would enjoy it though - you need some good knowledge of the Second World War to make sense of parts of it!
Half term holiday reading - a sunbed and a stack of books. I'm happy! ☺️ Loving 'His Bloody Project' so far - of the three I've read, my favourite of the man booker shortlist. #manbooker #manbookerprize #halftermreading #tbr
I love Pride and Prejudice and this is great! Not trying to imitate the style but really adding something to the original story - great development of one of the characters that didn't always take centre stage in Austen's book.
Excited to start reading this.... a detective story set in the Solomon Islands featuring a nun who investigates crimes. What's not to like?! Found the story very gripping and learnt lots about the culture but found references in the local language made the story a little tricky to understand in places.
I love Sherlock Holmes so approached this one with a bit of suspicion but thought it was brilliant! Very sympathetically written to the style of Conan Doyle and overall an enjoyable read. Will definitely read the others in the series.
Big stock up on books after a summer of purging my tbr shelves. Where to start?!
I picked this up as a 2 for 1 offer on a whim when I was buying something else - I've heard lots about Emma Carroll but not read anything by her before. I found myself really enjoying this - it is set in 1816 and features some famous faces from the time. Spooky and gothic but in a very accessible (and acceptable) way for children. Give it a read this summer if you want a bit of gothic horror!
I really loved this! I often struggle to find books in the horror genre for my class (who are 11). It's pretty creepy and possibly a bit too scary for them but it's really well written with some great characters in it. Some of the description and phrases used are fantastic and would be good to use parts of it as examples of good writing for older children to see.
I so wanted to love this book as I loved the idea of it but I'm just not an Ali Smith fan. I couldn't get on with the style of writing (even though I know so many people love her!) and some of the essays were just a bit... odd. Maybe I'll try another of her books and see if I like that more?
My #augusttbr pile (well for this week of the holidays anyway!) - starting with public library now.
Has anyone read any of these? Have heard mixed reviews of them all and don't know which one to start on first!
Pleasantly surprised by this one! Just got into YA fiction and really enjoyed this - a good blend of romance and action. Well written too.
Come on summer holidays - my holiday reading pile is growing by the second!
"I've no ambition to grow up," said Idie. "I've done quite enough of it already and I find the benefits of it debatable."
Wow! This might well be me favourite book of the year - and I really wasn't expecting it too be. This is a genre that I don't normally read/enjoy but I raced through this well-written story with some brilliantly developed characters. I always pass my books on but think I'll be keeping this one!
This keeps to the style and essence of the original and adds a new twist to the original, continuing the story as the Second World War breaks out. I liked it but didn't love it - found Holly Webb's take on the book different to the sequel I would have liked!
This finds it on its way to a lot of books to read aloud to children and I can see why... Brilliant creation of voice and character. Children would love to hear an adult read this to them (doing all of the voices of course!!)
Just couldn't get into this one... Read the first 100 pages and although it was well written I just didn't love it enough to carry on and finish it. Might give it another go some other time.
Nothing like I've ever read before... Looking forward to reading this.
Wasn't sure if I'd like this one... Not my usual cup of tea. Read it in one sitting and loved it! Brilliant story with a great twist ❤️☺️
Loved the first one... Now giving the second one a go!
Just finished reading this - it took me a while to get into but then I finished the last 200 pages in one sitting. A great story, a complex plot but really well developed characters. Will definitely read the sequel.
I keep seeing this on blogs and book posts and hearing great reviews about it, so I'm giving it a go!
If you pick up one book this year to read with children - make it this one! The most fantastic adventure story with an unusual but brilliant characters. Can't recommend it enough.
Totally unlike anything I have ever read before and still not quite sure what I think of it. Took me two attempts to read - very darkly gothic and quite unsettling, with a surprising ending. Raises lots of issues that keep you thinking.
Planning a read aloud curriculum for my school - the first book I read and loved from this pile was Jolly Foul Play by Robin Evans p. Thought it was great - dealt with lots of issues and would be great to read to a class!