A book club pick, and it was a quick and easy read. I figured out who the true villain was in chapter 6, but I still enjoyed it. A short read that I finished in one sitting. Book #116 in 2024
A book club pick, and it was a quick and easy read. I figured out who the true villain was in chapter 6, but I still enjoyed it. A short read that I finished in one sitting. Book #116 in 2024
This is my Argentina pick for #ReadingThSpanish-speakingCountries, a challenge my elder daughter bade me try with her. Furia is her soccer name because she is fast and unstoppable. It tells about her quest to go to the United States via soccer and lift herself out of poverty; her family life; and her boyfriend - a professional soccer player from her village who plays in Italy. There was drama, romance, family stuff and hope. It was good. #116
Starting book #116
#116 I love this series 🖤
2017 #116 mystery audio written from historical accuracy and with in-depth detail. It was an interesting book and well crafted. I enjoyed the post script as it described who everyone was and what they ended up being. A quick read.