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I‘m really enjoying this memoir by the incredible Shonda Rhimes. I‘ve been told as well that I say no A Lot, and this is really motivating me to step outside of my comfort zone and just freaking say YES sometimes 😬😬 #yearofyes #2018challenge #fearless

Tadams4 This is on my TBR! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
Chelleo I really enjoyed this!! 6y
Ashley85 @Chelleo Me too! 😊 6y
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So this year I came up with my own challenge! I‘m calling it #BigBooks2018 because it‘s focused on the “big books” that can be tough to tackle: nonfiction, history, philosophy, social theory, and classics. It‘s quality over quantity. I would love love love to have some people join me in this! I customized it a bit for myself & of course others could do the same. #2018readinggoals #2018challenge #bookresolutions #readingresolutions #bujo

tif Not sure I am stretch myself to a fifth reading challenge as well as my two IRL book clubs! It's a great list though! I'm always trying to push myself to read more challenging books 7y
tif *I can 7y
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I am challenging myself to read as many Hugo Award winners and finalist nominees as I can in 2018 😬🤞🏻 Feel free to join me if you are up for the challenge 😎 http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-history/ #2018Challenge #HugoAwardChallenge2018 🚀 #BookNerd 📚💙

MayJasper I like your challenge. I hope you e njoy 7y
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By The Numbers | Jen Lancaster
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I hope a few folks join the first challenge I've ever hosted (for 2018): #LitsyByTheNumbers

No sign up required. It also pairs well with other challenges 😋 Please share!

#LBTN #LBTNdetails #readingchallenge #2018challenge #2018 #2018readingchallenge

Chelleo Just chose Zeroes as my first book of the challenge. (edited) 7y
Pamwurtzler This looks fun! I‘ll have to see what books I can find. 7y
LeshaMac I'm in! 7y
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By The Numbers | Jen Lancaster
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I hope a few folks join the first challenge I've ever hosted (for 2018): #LitsyByTheNumbers #litsychallenges

No sign up required. It also pairs well with other challenges 😋 Please share!

#LBTN #LBTNdetails #LitsyByTheNumbersdetails #readingchallenge #2018challenge #2018 #2018readingchallenge

hes7 Fun! 7y
TK-421 I love this idea! 7y
Chelleo Hope you join in on the fun @hes7 @TK-421 7y
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