Adam and Polly are incendiary. All the lies and half truths and testing makes their relationship a car wreck. I feel sorry for Polly to a point but the story does stretch my sympathy to the limit. #2018christyread #audio
Adam and Polly are incendiary. All the lies and half truths and testing makes their relationship a car wreck. I feel sorry for Polly to a point but the story does stretch my sympathy to the limit. #2018christyread #audio
I have finally have internet. I missed this all. Thanks to @JacqMac I added this TBR months ago and finally got to it. I loved this book. It was a little kooky and nostalgic. A little like Ready Player One but better. #2018christyread #MountTBR
I‘m not sure how I feel about this book. My sympathies were with Florentino until the last chapters. He pushed some boundaries that even for the time I had a problem with. Fermina was an interesting character who‘s impulsiveness seemed to work out for her in the end but could have went terribly awry. #InTranslation #2018christyread
A procedural worthy of Sherlock. The mystery is not so much who committed the murder but how and why. It was interesting change from most western crime novels. #InTranslation #2018christyread
Awesome. This book has a Firefly feel of found family and scrapes that require blowing things up. There was just enough action throughout the story for it never to get slow. Also, enough character to building to feel invested. The end left felt satisfying but left enough loose threads for a series. #FirsttoRead #ARC #2018christyread
This was between a pick and a so-so. It was written without quotation marks and in phonetic dialect (used to could, bettern). It took some getting used to on my part. I feel it was a story about honor and maybe a little justice. #LitsyClassics #N #2018christyread
An FBI agent lost in time. I don‘t usually start series books but I think I might give the second one a try. There was a lot included in the story but it was a good world building book and a decent mystery. #2018christyread
I liked the give and take relationship between Ellery and Reed. Most of the book was good. However, I had picked out the killer by the second time he appeared in story. #2018christyread #quickread