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My #20BOOKSBYBLACKWOMEN is going well 🎉

vlwelser Do you have a favorite so far? I only read 2 of these. 1mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I love BOTH Renee Watson books, Madness was 🤯 you know it wouldn‘t be good news but man people are evil… We are all so good at smiling and Bright Red Fruit and Imagination: A Manifesto - - all excellent. Magic Enuff: Poems also good. The rest were just okay -but I struggle with fiction in general. Renee‘s skin & bones probably my favorite. 1mo
vlwelser Adding skin & bones to my hideous tbr. Thank you. Also now intrigued by Madness. 1mo
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vlwelser Oh. Madness is actually on my shortlist for IRL NF book club. 1mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser It is fascinating, heavy and so sad. Necessary to read though. 1mo
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘m still thinking about skin & bones. 1mo
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This year I am doing all published in 2024 for my #20booksbyBlackWomen it is quite the challenge and my library is zero help!! OY. So far all of these are just EXCELLENT. So IF you know of one coming out or that has come out let me know!

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IndoorDame This memoir/cookbook came out in Jan. I haven‘t read it yet, but I‘m excited to and I bet it would be right up your alley 5mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame WELL. I “need” that!!! Thanks!!!!! 5mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I thought you might 😘♥️ 5mo
TheKidUpstairs This one has been getting great reviews and buzz 5mo
TheKidUpstairs This one sounds like really good historical fiction! 5mo
TheBookHippie @TheKidUpstairs oooooo thx!! Making a list!!! The library one looks really good. 5mo
BookBr If you like fantasy/YA, this one is OUTSTANDING — not pubbed in 2024, but the third book in the trilogy I think is. (edited) 5mo
TheBookHippie @BookBr I do like both!!! ♥️ thx! 5mo
willaful Do you have the template to share? 5mo
TheBookHippie @willaful https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MDQ5NDc5NzI0NTU4Mzc1?story_media_id=... Should lead you to all the grids. ♥️ I do this every year ! I think we are on year 4 or 5. (edited) 5mo
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Here‘s my #20booksbyblackwomen ♥️

JenReadsAlot The House of Eve was one of my favorites this year! 9mo
TheBookHippie @Billypar these were all top reads as well. 9mo
Billypar These look great - thanks for sharing! I read Ain't I a Woman this past year and really enjoyed it, so I should pick up Outlaw Culture. I've also wanted to check out Giovanni's poetry for some time. 9mo
TheBookHippie @Billypar everything they write is good, so so good. 9mo
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Unbowed: A Memoir | Wangari Maathai
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My #20booksbyBlackWomen challenge is finished.
Inspired and created by an IG account I much admire.

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The Herd | Andrea Bartz
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@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

☃️ not really, I follow a few authors and bookish accounts on IG and twitter but that‘s it
☃️100 books, and @ melanatedreader (on twitter) has a challenge #20booksbyblackwomen and I‘m on # 2. I kind of fell off on my diversity goal last year, so making a better effort out of the gate.

Thanks for the tag @DarkMina

Eggs Thanks for joining in 📚⭐️👏🏻 3y
DarkMina You‘re welcome! 3y
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