Finally getting my act together for #24on48. I'm sooooo excited. This week has been crazy and I'm looking forward to spending 2 days escaping into books.
Finally getting my act together for #24on48. I'm sooooo excited. This week has been crazy and I'm looking forward to spending 2 days escaping into books.
I'm counting on #24on48 to force me out my my recent reading slump. In the meantime, here's a picture of Laura and me at Laura Ingalls Wilders' house in Missouri last week!
Starting hour 13 of #24on48. Not going to make the full 24 because I had a couple things to do this morning (stupid adulting!), but I'm planning on reading now and then the rest of the day after @litsybookclub live discussion. I hope everyone is hanging in there and having fun!