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It's official. I can't listen anymore. As he says in the beginning, he has done nothing special enough to warrant a memoir, but that's what this is at best. At it's worst, he is drawing unresearched and at times racist conclusions based on his limited life experience. Next!!! #AmrchairAudies #nonfiction #notawinner

Literaryunicorn Try "Strangers in Their Own Land". Same concept but 1,000,000x better execution. 7y
LitHousewife Good decision! I've heard very mixed things about this book. 7y
LauraBeth Agree with @Literaryunicorn about Strangers In Their Own Land! 7y
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Jess_Read_This Good to know! I'm glad I only paid .20 for my copy at the Salvation Army... 🙈 7y
TheWordJar I think I'm officially taking this one off my TBR now. So many pans and bails lately. Will definitely look into Strangers in their own land. Thanks for saving me the trouble! 😁 7y
Megabooks @Literaryunicorn @LauraBeth Added to my TBR! I saw on the page that @BookishMarginalia is reading it now. 7y
Megabooks @LitHousewife Yes, definitely! 7y
Megabooks @Jess_Read_This That's about what it's worth. 😅😅😅 7y
Megabooks @TheWordJar You're welcome! 7y
Literaryunicorn @Booksandcooks @LauraBeth @BookishMarginalia Enjoy! I'm eager to hear what you think about Strangers. I'm from central Kentucky and have spent a lot of time in Eastern KY when I was litigating and can tell you that he doesn't know as much about the people there as he thinks he does. But it killed me that he felt he had the authority to talk about it when he lived in Ohio for most of his life. 7y
Megabooks @Literaryunicorn I'm from Western Kentucky! My dad grew up in Harlan. 7y
mrsmarch @Pinkmeghan i am collecting reviews of this book 7y
Pinkmeghan @mrsmarch ha! @Booksandcooks I pushed through, although maybe hearing it is just too much rather than reading it. I got the very firm feeling that this is his first step before starting to run for various political offices. I'm glad I finished this crap for that reason alone. 🙄 7y
Literaryunicorn @Booksandcooks Small world!!! I love Kentucky! 🐎🐎🐎 7y
BethFishReads Ugh. I bought this in print but haven't read yet 7y
Megabooks @Pinkmeghan Yikes! 👎🏻👎🏻🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Also he's such a mediocre narrator. (edited) 7y
Megabooks @BethFishReads I wish I could say it was the narration, because it's not great, but the content is just as bad. How this became a big think, I'll never know!🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
BethFishReads I often have trouble with heavily buzzed books. I'll probably try it at some point, but I'm not going to rush to get to it 7y
Pinkmeghan @Booksandcooks yeah, he literally just spilled everything that could even be remotely considered a skeleton, a gaffe, or an October Surprise. Kind of like a I'm telling you before you find it out thing. 🤢 7y
Tamra I bought this right after the election as one part of an effort to get out my echo chamber, but since then what I've heard hasn't made me want to pull it out of the stack. 😑 I did read Strangers in Their Own Land, which has a narrow geographic scope, and I appreciated it. But, I was not encouraged at all. (edited) 7y
Megabooks @Tamra ☹️☹️ Yeah, it's rough. 7y
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