Trying to be more conscious of posting when I read for readathons. Read a total of 2.75 hours in You're the Problem, It's You (68 pages) and The Eyre Affair (6%) .
#Aventathon #ChristmasAtoZ #ItsATrope #LittenListen
Trying to be more conscious of posting when I read for readathons. Read a total of 2.75 hours in You're the Problem, It's You (68 pages) and The Eyre Affair (6%) .
#Aventathon #ChristmasAtoZ #ItsATrope #LittenListen
Cute, heartwarming and depressing, I blame Litsy for me reading this. Somehow Death Cast has the ability to let people know with in 24hrs that they are going to die. One night two teenagers, Mateo and Rufus get the call. They end up meeting each other under the last friend app and spent their last day together.
Just read it near kleenex 💙
#GhostsOfXmas #WinterGames
##NoShameReadathon2023 #Romcombipoc @Nessavamusic #AToZ @Texreader
Just finished this holiday read. #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers #AVeryMerryBingo #AVeryMerryReadathon #BookSpinBingo #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #Aventathon #WGWordSearch pts. 1380 + 26 pts holiday read White Christmas on AVeryMerryBingo