I also have the bag that goes with this book and it was my fav from #BEA2018. This is a cool about about the competitiveness of finding dinosaurs. And the cover artist was genius. #👩🏼🔬
I also have the bag that goes with this book and it was my fav from #BEA2018. This is a cool about about the competitiveness of finding dinosaurs. And the cover artist was genius. #👩🏼🔬
I didn‘t even try for this at #bea2018. I wanted to keep my hands. Those people were CRAZy!,
October 2
#CoverLove #YAedition
Another hot galley from #bea2018
October 2
#CoverLove #YAedition
So while at #BEA2018 the Macmillan booth was very generous with librarians. But also made you work for it. They would have 4 galleys on display and you could choose one. The last hour on the last day, I walked by every ten minutes so I get get all the titles including this one. I swear their rep hates me.
September 25
#CoverLove #YAedition
2 of my favorite books from BEA! The Wicked King was my #1 "Must Have". SO happy to have it!
#BEA2018 #hollyblack #lanitaylor
This was one of my favorite books last year. So excited that I got to finally meet Thi and get a signed book. #bookexpoamerica #bea2018