Finally got my package in the mail. I mailed it priority so it should be there on Monday, 2/22. Sending to @Gaylagal2 #BHMS #BlistyHistoryMonth #BlistySwap @Chelleo
Finally got my package in the mail. I mailed it priority so it should be there on Monday, 2/22. Sending to @Gaylagal2 #BHMS #BlistyHistoryMonth #BlistySwap @Chelleo
My #BlistyHistoryMonth package arrived, looking forward to opening, thank you @Butterfinger. I‘m mailing my package to my recipient this weekend (shipping priority). #BlistySwap #BHMS @Chelleo
It is on its way and, barring anything insane, should be arriving on Monday. @Chelleo #bhms #bhmswap #blistyhistorymonth #blitsyhistorymonthswap #blackhistorymonthswap
This was a nice quick read. Beverly has a nice formula and I love the black history peppered through the novel. I always walk away learning something new. #blistyhistorymonth
I‘m jumping and participating in #blistyHistoryMonth this or that #BHMswap
Hot chocolate ☕️
Chapstick 👄
T-Shirt 👕
Magnets 🧲
1. Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, Oprah, Melissa Harris-Perry...I could go on!
2. Jesmyn Ward, Roxane Gay, Ta Nehisi Coates, Morgan Jerkins
3. Civil Rights Movement, #metoo movement, We Need Diverse Books
4. Mystery/thriller and Sci-fi/Fantasy
5. West Africa (Benin/Togo), Intersectionality of Black Women, Black Women Role Models
#BlistyHistoryMonth #BHM #BHMswap
1. Celie from The Color Purple, The Obamas, The Women from Hidden Figures, Malcolm Nance, 2. James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Moshin Hamid, 3. Not sure what this means. 4. Fiction, and memoirs. 5. I want to read more about what, as a white person, I can do to help change people‘s hearts to be less racist. I have The New Jim Crow on my tbr. Any recommendations are welcomed. #blistyhistorymonth