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Here it is… my #booker2022 shortlist. (The kiss of death for these books the… I‘m often wrong!)

They‘re in order too, although the top 3 are fairly interchangeable. It seems odd to have The Trees only in 3rd place; I loved all 3 but read The Trees last year so it‘s more distant in my mind.

No 6, I also struggled to pick. I found the Strout more ‘enjoyable‘ but it just doesn‘t seem like a #bookerbook to me, and I‘m never sure about sequels ⬇️

squirrelbrain … on the Booker list. Trust has become a bit forgettable since I read it, and I could see Glory being there instead but plumped for Trust. 2y
AnneCecilie So that means that Maps is your favorite? I‘m currently reading that and hasn‘t quite connected with the writing. I think I‘m 40-50p in, should I give it more time? 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, @AnneCecilie that is my favourite. However, many other Littens haven‘t liked it at all. Thatmade me question myself but I decided to have the courage of my convictions and put it first. I‘d give it a tiny bit longer to see if it starts to feel any better; if not, then it‘s not for you either! 2y
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MicheleinPhilly I‘ve read and loved Trees and Nightcrawling, am currently reading Maps, and have purchased Colony. I also own the Strout but I feel like your shortlist is what I am going to focus on. I don‘t really have any interest in Treacle or Sappho but may pick them up on a Kindle Daily Deal. 2y
JamieArc This looks like a great list. I feel like I would have two different shortlists: the ones I liked (my personal shortlist), and the ones I think will make the shortlist. Probably two quite different shortlists 😂 2y
BarbaraBB I very much feel similar about the books I read. Not necessarily in the same order but I can imagine these six being my shortlist too. However, I haven‘t yet read six books of the longlist and hope to add one or two more before the shortlist will be announced. Thanks for sharing! 2y
Cazxxx I‘m reading nightcrawling just now which is book number 5. My library has a long wait for the others so not sure how many I‘ll be able to read before the draw 2y
Ruthiella I think Books like Maps that elicit strong feelings on both sides of readers‘ emotions and tastes are perfect Book Prize fodder. I hope it makes the shortlist and then I will be “forced” to read it! 2y
squirrelbrain You‘ve nearly read most of my shortlist @MicheleinPhilly 😁 The Keegan is *really* short so you may be able to squeeze that in too…. 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, I‘m sure this (my personal shortlist) will be completely wrong! @JamieArc I an see both Glory and Seven Moons making the actual shortlist as they‘re very ‘clever‘. I don‘t what that says about me not liking them so much! 🤣 2y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - we have very similar taste in books, don‘t we?! 😁 2y
squirrelbrain You might end up having read all of the right ones! @Cazxxx 🤞 2y
squirrelbrain You‘re so right @Ruthiella - always better to have books that cause debate and strong feelings. Awards would be boring if we all liked the same ones! 2y
TrishB Have only read 2 of yours Helen- The Trees and the Keegan. Enjoyed both, but probably The Trees slightly more. I‘ve just ordered The Colony and am keeping for a certain weekend 😁 I think any others for me will likely be picked up on a deal too! 2y
Cathythoughts Great work Helen ! I‘m not going for it this year ( well I havnt finished one yet , too many books 😁 … I‘m so interested in your Maps pick .. I have that one. Exciting, you‘ve read the books , now you get up see what happens next 💫 2y
charl08 Looking forward to reading the ones here you mention I've not read. Always surprised by the shortlist, I'm sure this year will be no exception. 2y
squirrelbrain I think you‘ll really like The Colony @TrishB - and it‘s the perfect book for that weekend! 😁 2y
Cinfhen Well done, Helen!! I hopefully have two more books waiting for me in the States, once I arrive so I‘m not able to comment completely yet. My personal list will probably look different from both yours and the actual shortlist but it‘s exciting to see how it all plays out. 2y
TheKidUpstairs I've only been able to read three so far, but all three have been great reads (The Colony, The Trees, Small Things Like These). A number of the longlist titles aren't yet available in Canada, but I'm on hold lists for the rest of those that are! 2y
sarahbarnes A great list! I‘ve only read six but agree with many on your list. I loved The Colony! 2y
Graywacke Hi. Your link took me here, forced me from the app to Safari. 🙂 This is a great post. I have at least six novels to look forward to. (In case your wondering, I sort of go from longest to shortest, as I work through the list. And i give myself a year. 😁😊) (edited) 2y
squirrelbrain Oops, sorry you went on a convoluted journey! Looking forward to hearing what you think of the rest of the list…. @Graywacke 2y
60 likes22 comments
Burnt Sugar | Avni Doshi
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An interesting exploration of mother/daughter relationships. Well written. Evocative & unsettling. Narration was excellent and added to the intensity of the story.

Cathythoughts Interesting! Great review, I nearly got it today 4y
squirrelbrain Glad you liked it! I loved the narration too. I wasn‘t overly enamoured with the ending... but then I never like vague, ‘open‘ endings, I like there to be a conclusion. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Already got this stacked 👍 4y
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Cinfhen Agree about the ending but I was still left satisfied @squirrelbrain I think as an audio this book really shined @erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts it‘s definitely a #BookerBook 😉 4y
squirrelbrain Oh so was I Cindy - it might even be bothering my top 10 of the year... we‘ll see! 4y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen is there a story to it Cindy ? If so , I‘m getting interested. If it‘s rambling , I wouldn‘t be as pushed 4y
Cinfhen There‘s a story @Cathythoughts but it‘s under a weight of “Purposeful” ramblings...if that makes sense?! It‘s a bit of stream of conciseness but in the end it ties into the story. This probably won‘t be on my top 10 @squirrelbrain but I still “enjoyed” it. It‘s a bleak story, Cathy. 4y
BarbaraBB Agree with your review. And the fact that is‘s a bleak story! 4y
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Orchestra of Minorities | Chigozie Obioma
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The writing of this book is at times truly beautiful and other times I find myself having reread paragraphs to make sense of them. I can‘t tell if I enjoy that about the book or if the slow-burn style of the book lets it down in some way. I still feel it‘s a book I must persist with to find out. #BookerBook