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Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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A look at the Irish Magdelan laundries completes the #Booker2022 longlist for me.

The opening to this novella is quiet and mundane. But as story tensions develop, that opening style becomes a sturdy story framework. I got into it and enjoyed it and I had only about 2 hours in which to do that because it‘s really short.

Treacle Walker | ALAN. GARNER
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A child's perspectives of folklore and magic, one that is strikingly playful with language. I can relay that, but I actually struggled with this book. It demands you meet its playful-thoughtful-childish-not-childish mindset. But it's so short that I finished well before I had a chance to do that, so I didn't get much out of it. But, still, it was nice to get a window into this Alan Garner experience. #Booker2022

Aimeesue Backlisted did a nice podcast on this one. Sounded very interesting. 1y
Graywacke @Aimeesue i‘ve love Backlisted. But I‘m a terribly unreliable listener. I‘ve heard maybe 5 or 6 episodes. I would like the find this one 1y
Aimeesue Ugh. I forgot they make looking for a specific podcast so difficult. Here you go! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/backlisted/id1063252175?i=1000541157710 1y
Graywacke @Aimeesue whoa, Nov 2021! Thank you so much for searching for and finding that. 1y
Aimeesue @Graywacke I‘d just listened to it this week, and hadn‘t played it to the end, so it was still in my queue. Figured I‘d save you a hunt. Enjoy! (Spoiler: they REALLY liked it. 😂 And it does have some nice audio clips of Garner.) I‘m looking forward to reading it - the Backlisted descriptions reminded me a bit of The Dark is Rising, which I really enjoyed. 1y
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After Sappho: A Novel | Selby Wynn Schwartz
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A reflection on Sappho‘s and history‘s fragments. We are left with so little Sappho, we can only confront the lost and unrecoverable. Here a handful of famous fin de siècle lesbians form a comparable set of fragments of a lost, repressed world. I lost my mom while in the middle of this book, which is why i‘ve been so quiet here. When i got back to the book, it had unfortunately lost its magic. But it deserves a look.

dabbe I am so sorry. 😞 You're in my thoughts. 😊 1y
sarahbarnes I‘m so sorry about your mom. I am reading this book at the moment. 1y
Chrissyreadit I‘m sorry. I‘m sure this is a difficult time. ❤️ 1y
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WorldsOkayestStepMom I'm so sorry for your loss. 1y
TheKidUpstairs I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs to you and your family. 1y
jlhammar So sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences. 1y
xicanti I‘m so sorry about your mom. 1y
Suet624 Oh gosh. I‘m so sorry. 1y
JamieArc Holding you in the light 🕯️ 1y
Leftcoastzen So sorry about your mom. Sending you hugs and condolences. 1y
psalva I‘m sorry to hear of your loss! My condolences. 1y
Billypar I'm so sorry to hear this - sending best wishes to you and your family 🩵 1y
Ruthiella So sorry for your loss. You have my condolences, ❤️ 1y
eeclayton I'm sorry for your loss ! 1y
batsy I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences to your and your family ❤️ 1y
erzascarletbookgasm My condolences to you and your family. ❤️ 1y
AnneCecilie I‘m so sorry for your loss ❤️ 1y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m so sorry to hear this. Sending you ❤️. 1y
Tamra Take care. 💜 1y
Graywacke @Tamra thank you 1y
Louise Oh, Dan, I‘ve only just come upon this post. I‘m so deeply sorry for your loss. Sending a hug to you across the miles. 💙 12mo
Graywacke @Louise thank you. 12mo
Louise 💗🌷 12mo
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The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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This is a fast, fun, gory, light book full of wisecracks that is legitimately funny and entertaining…and then it brings in Emmett Till, and the history of lynching, linked to the names we know from very recent news. So how does one go back to seeing anything fun. Percival doesn‘t change anything. The fun and gore continue. My brain had trouble flexing, and it‘s little unsure how to feel. That must be a compliment. #booker2022

Leftcoastzen Amazing review! This has been on my radar but I‘m thinking it‘s pretty intense & might start with a different one of his. 1y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I also really liked his book 1y
Tamra I picked up my library copy yesterday - looking forward to diving in tomorrow. Glad to see you enjoyed it. 1y
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Leftcoastzen @vivastory I may try that one first , I‘ve heard good things. 1y
Cathythoughts Nice review 👏🏻 1y
Hooked_on_books I thought this book was brilliant. It made me want to read everything he has written. 1y
batsy It was like a jolt to the brain, isn't it. I still think about it. 1y
TrishB I thought his flex was brilliant! Genius to be able to do that. 1y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘m most curious! Will quickly put this on hold at the library. 1y
Graywacke @Leftcoastzen It‘s really not intense. I would be happy to read more from him. @vivastory noting Telephone 1y
Graywacke @Tamra ooh. I‘m curious how you like it. 1y
Graywacke @Hooked_on_books @TrishB is it brilliant, or just clever? (as if there‘s an objective scale). I think keeping the tone straight was important. Lots of authors try to mix fun and serious (see Carl Hiaasen). But it‘s not easy to make it effective. TP did. 1y
Graywacke @batsy yes, my brain is jolted! It doesn‘t have a lot of say on whether it wants to think about it or not. Phew. I admit, reading the last hundred pages was difficult for me. The “how fun” and the “but wait” brain parts were not coming to an accord. 1y
Graywacke @erzascarletbookgasm oh, awesome. It‘s a quick read. I look forward to your response 1y
Hooked_on_books I think it‘s brilliant. He just took the top down and put the pedal to the metal on this, and I love that he gave himself permission to do that. How on earth could a book about lynching and Emmett Till be funny? But it is. This was one of my favorite reads of 2022. 1y
Graywacke @Hooked_on_books i like the sports car image. 🙂 I‘m with you there. I think it‘s funny and also not funny. There is also remorse and a rebellion of sorts. Since he keeps a straight face, I‘m not sure we know how to take him. I suspect he doesn‘t want me to know, at least not easily. 1y
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The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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Some Batik?

I‘ve now read 9 from the #booker2022 longlist.

I found this a little awkward on audio, opening with heavy satire. But I stuck with it, took it slow, through all those momentum-deadening dialogues, and I feel rewarded. It comes around. It has an overall structural arch that I can appreciate in hindsight and that made it all worth it. I got attached, and I got to really like Maali and his posthumous self in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1990.

Graywacke @batsy I was thinking about your Litsy post and comments the whole time I was listening. 1y
batsy @Graywacke I'm really glad this was a pick for you! Despite having some mixed feelings, it's not a book that is easily forgotten. 1y
sarahbarnes I‘m excited to try this one when I finally get it from the library. 1y
Suet624 Jeez, I keep going back and forth on reading this one. Now with you and @Batsy‘s reviews I‘m back on and will have to find it. 1y
Graywacke @Suet624 I encourage you to try. But, don‘t do audio. Don‘t bring expectations. 🙂 But seriously, I‘m really grateful to have listened to it. I hope if you try you‘ll find it rewarding. 1y
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Case Study | Graeme Macrae Burnet
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My 8th book from the #Booker2022 longlist. I‘ve had to sit on this. Like the novel Trust, this is a collection of unreliable documents, here a look at where psychiatric therapy appears to have led to a suicide. It takes some focus and begins as a little work for the reader. But an intelligent tension develops as we try to understand our narrator and this _nonfictional_ quack therapist from 1965. I enjoyed it a lot more than i thought I would.

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The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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I have no clue why this has a blank gray audible book cover. I started on January 1. It‘s heavy satire which is tough on audio. I can appreciate it, and find it interesting. but I‘m not really enjoying it. #booker2022

Ruthiella It‘s reminding me of Midnight‘s Children in how much work it is taking me to appreciate it . 1y
Graywacke @Ruthiella interesting. I haven‘t read that. But it‘s a good description. 1y
BarbaraBB I loved Midnights Children but am dreading this one! @Ruthiella 1y
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Ruthiella @BarbaraBB I‘m about 20% through it and am finding it challenging in a similar way to MC. We‘ll see how I feel by the end, but sometimes challenging books are ultimately rewarding…but sometimes not! 😆 1y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella I used to love challenging books but with the year I‘ve gotten less patient I sometimes think. 1y
batsy The satire seems to have gone down easier in print, I think. 1y
Graywacke @BarbaraBB @Ruthiella hmm. I‘m getting more into it. It‘s not challenging exactly, just heavy satire. 1y
Graywacke @batsy no question that‘s true. As a narrator, once you start the satirical voice, you‘re trapped in. You can‘t revert. In hindsight I think the reader should have handled it better. He has a nice voice though. There‘s a 2nd bad aspect. He struggled differentiating character voices. The audio editor “resolved” this by putting in silent delays between speakers. It‘s so wrong. 1y
batsy @Graywacke Oh dear, the silent delays thing does not sound fun at all. 1y
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Case Study | Graeme Macrae Burnet
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Looking for something to read when I tire of Robert Musil, I picked this up. But…however it opens a little dry and is not great for that. #Booker2022

BarbaraBB I enjoyed this one but I can imagine you need something a bit easier ik between the Musil! 2y
Graywacke @BarbaraBB yeah, this actually requires a lot of attention. (edited) 2y
CarolynM Didn‘t do much for me. I‘m interested to hear what you think. 2y
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The Colony | Audrey Magee
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Something about islands and stories. Earlier this year I loved An Island by Karen Jennings, and here I was again, smitten by isolation and the focus on quirky inexpressive characters against stark elements on an small isolated Island (here Irish). The inexpressive simplicity and implied complexity is compelling in itself somehow. And Magee kept me a state throughout. This is my 7th from the #Booker2022 longlist, and currently my favorite.

squirrelbrain This was one of my favourites from the Booker Longlist too. 2y
Tamra Agreed, she captures the complexity of being human in way which is deceptively simple. 2y
jlhammar So good! One of my top reads of the year for sure. Still can‘t believe it didn‘t make the shortlist. 2y
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sarahbarnes Yes! I was hoping this one would win. 2y
BarbaraBB It was my favorite too! 2y
batsy Islands are pretty great in fiction, aren't they? Another one that you might like, but which is quite different from those you've reviewed, is this 2y
Chelsea.Poole I am hoping to start off 2023 with this one thanks to @TheKidUpstairs 2y
Graywacke @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I‘m on board with you both. I might have said the same for last year‘s list too (and I definitely enjoyed it more than anything on the 2020 list.) (edited) 2y
Graywacke @Tamra i do love that aspect in general, the “deceptively simple”. I was thinking (before the end came and I had to change my perspective) how somehow I actually liked every character even the bad ones. 2y
Graywacke @jlhammar @sarahbarnes i never like the actual winners. 🙂 I have some theories. I think the longlist gives a mixed but generally worth-reading selection of contemporary fiction, with a few quirky leanings of the judges. I find them rewarding. I suspect the winners are more dependent the quirkiness of the judges and their state of mind - and the stress they are under to choose well. I think stress decision tend to be iffy… (edited) 2y
Graywacke @batsy new Donoghue? I haven‘t read her. Interesting recommendation. Noting! (My experience with islands is limited. Does The Tempest count?) 2y
Graywacke @Chelsea.Poole - i think @TheKidUpstairs has done you well. 🙂 (edited) 2y
Tamra @Graywacke agreed! 2y
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The Colony | Audrey Magee
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Rembrandt van Rijn Drawings : A SEATED FEMALE NUDE AS SUSANNA c. 1647

So, I‘m not quite halfway, but really enjoying this novel on a small isolated Irish island. ( #booker2022 )

BarbaraBB It‘s one of this yea/ favorites for me. Also I love the drawing. 2y
Graywacke @BarbaraBB I find this drawing striking, and to think, 1647. This woman must be nearly 400 yrs old. The actual drawing referenced in the book, A Woman Sleeping (c1655) can be found here: http://www.rembrandtpainting.net/rmbrndt_selected_drawings/saskia_sleeping.htm 2y
BarbaraBB No one beats Rembrandt. It took centuries for painters to be able to do what he did with light l, shadows etc 2y
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