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The Story Smuggler | Georgi Gospodinov
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We are all emigrants from the homeland of our childhoods.

Valiseb The Bulgarian soul with its frailties and nostalgia heavy as its history. 3w
Deblovestoread What a great line! 3w
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The Physics of Sorrow | Georgi Gospodinov
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Tough book to summarize in so few characters. It's formally daunting, a literal labyrinth of stories exploring themes of abandonment and melancholy using the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur as a central metaphor tying them together. There are numerous digressions - "side paths" as they're called - yet they're never tedious and the central narrative holds throughout. Better than Time Shelter IMO, and should have been what won Gospodinov an award.

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The Physics of Sorrow | Georgi Gospodinov
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

I was born at the end of August 1913 as a human being of the male sex.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This is one of the only history books that I truly enjoyed, Kaplan's writing style is so full of life, it makes you feel as if you know the people present in the story. A journalistic/travelling way of explaining major events is so enjoyable! Definitely a worthy read, even for people that aren't interested in history

The Same Night Awaits Us All | Hristo Karastoyanov
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Another necessary jump into the Bulgarian literature rabbit hole, this time with Karastoyanov's novel set in Bulgaria in the 1920s, but bringing to mind Dostoevsky's Demons with its anarchists and assassins, lighthouses, zeppelins, and synthesis of modernist narrative techniques and Balkan storytelling.

The Physics of Sorrow | Georgi Gospodinov
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#MarchMagic Day 18: This is #AboutScience - sort of, part of my book hunting expedition while in the US last winter. 💕

Eggs Sounds so intriguing 🧡🖤💛 (edited) 1y
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Cleanness | Garth Greenwell
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Call me a prude but second chapter in was content that I just couldn‘t get through. R@p€ and SA are just not things I enjoy reading about and this was pretty graphic. I get that‘s a me thing and for others it might be no issue, but for myself and my own MH I‘m best to out this down and try something different.

ShyBookOwl I've always struggled with rape scenes and the older I get the less interested I am in powering through. I bail 99% of the time now. 1y
Darklunarose @ShyBookOwl im the same. For me that‘s an autostop and I just move on to something a lot nicer. 1y
MissHel I‘ve started hunting down content warnings for SA. I can‘t deal with it anymore. 1y
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mamareading I was thinking the other day that if there is a rape science in every book then we‘re reading graphic rape scenes & SA multiple times a week and that doesn‘t sound like a great idea. I balance that with very real experiences and raising awareness… Still, I personally need a break. 1y
CollapsingLibrary While in college I struggled to understand why I‘d find some SA scenes in books okay & others upsetting. Then a girl in my class explained that she was tired of men writing scenes of women being SA by men & it could almost always be removed from the plot entirely anyways & it was a complete lightbulb moment for me. Now I typically bail on books with male authors that have SA scenes because I never enjoy them & it feels like lazy writing to me. 1y
Darklunarose @CollapsingLibrary that‘s the way I also view movies. It‘s often not needed. In this case it‘s a gay man who is with someone who refuses to listen and causes harm. I just cannot read through it. 1y
Darklunarose @mamareading needing a break makes sense. When faced with things that are dark and harmful there is only so much a human can cope with 1y
Darklunarose @MissHel there is a brilliant brilliant app for movies called “does the dog die” and it‘s been a godsend in my home. My husband can‘t cope with animal abuse and I have a few things I can not watch. We need an app like this…for books. 1y
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Cleanness | Garth Greenwell
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Some reading and an afternoon snack. I have to admit this book is way way more erotic then I normally pick up.

Cleanness | Garth Greenwell
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Starting on this for my around the world challenge…
Country: Bulgaria