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The Shadow Land
The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
From the #1 bestselling author of The Historian comes an engrossing novel that spans the past and the presentand unearths the dark secrets of Bulgaria, a beautiful and haunted country. A young American woman, Alexandra Boyd, has traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria, hoping that life abroad will salve the wounds left by the loss of her beloved brother. Soon after arriving in this elegant East European city, however, she helps an elderly couple into a taxiand realizes too late that she has accidentally kept one of their bags. Inside she finds an ornately carved wooden box engraved with a name: Stoyan Lazarov. Raising the hinged lid, she discovers that she is holding an urn filled with human ashes. As Alexandra sets out to locate the family and return this precious item, she will first have to uncover the secrets of a talented musician who was shattered by oppressionand she will find out all too quickly that this knowledge is fraught with its own danger. Kostovas new novel is a tale of immense scope that delves into the horrors of a century and traverses the culture and landscape of this mysterious country. Suspenseful and beautifully written, it explores the power of stories, the pull of the past, and the hope and meaning that can sometimes be found in the aftermath of loss. Praise for Elizabeth Kostovas The Historian Quite extraordinary . . . Kostova is a natural storyteller. . . . She has refashioned the vampire myth into a compelling contemporary novel, a late-night page-turner.San Francisco Chronicle Hypnotic . . . a thrill ride through history.The Denver Post Part thriller, part history, part romance . . . Kostova has a keen sense of storytelling and she has a marvelous story to tell.Baltimore Sun Kostovas vampire is no campy Lugosi knockoff. . . . Blending history and myth, Kostova has fashioned a version so fresh that when a stake is finally driven through a heart, it inspires the tragic shock of something happening for the very first time.Newsweek Praise for The Swan Thieves Exquisite.The Boston Globe Engrossing.O: The Oprah Magazine Stunning . . . A beautifully written tale of art, love and an obsession triggered by both.Associated Press From the Hardcover edition.
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This excellent ebook set in Bulgaria is on sale on Amazon

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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And the TBR Jar was born. (Empty coffee jars were made for these things, I swear. 😂) 📚📚📚

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Thank you @MaGoose for these great choices! Can‘t wait to get to them this Winter! #LitsyLoveFallSwap #LLFS

MaGoose Hope you enjoy the books 📚 and a hot 🔥 drink to go with them. 🙂 4y
MoonWitch94 @MaGoose I actually needed a new one so it‘s perfect! 4y
Crazeedi Loved shadowland 🍂🍁📚 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Using this for a #readyoursign challenge prompt, with my "number" (4) in the page count ♋

I feel like there was a great story buried in here somewhere, but it just got lost in the (multiple) meandering narratives. Really felt more like a first draft than a finished product! Full review on GR: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3204530115

@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

This book took me a good amount of time to get into the story but once up and running I couldn‘t stop. If you need a look into a place most of us know very little about, Bulgaria, take the time to get immersed into this story.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This is a beautiful and sad story of Bulgaria, the tragedy of Soviet occupation and its aftermath. I felt like I took a tour of the country with 2 likeable characters (and a dog) trying to return an urn of ashes to its family, slowly learning the deceased‘s story and being chased by danger across the countryside. Told in Kostova‘s distinct style, a travelogue and epistolary. #readingeurope2020 #Bulgaria

Branwen I loved this book so much! It really made me want to visit Bulgaria! 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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1. Shadow Land, Taking of K-129, Darkwater Bride
2. The Black Rose
3. HPB, The Strand, Barnes & Noble & hopefully soon Jenny Lawson‘s bookstore
4. See 2 above, The Historian, Dracula
5. The Hobbit trilogy
6. Up next: Age of Innocence
7. The Shire
8. Giants in the Earth, not in a good way
9. #readingeurope2020, #litsyAtoZ, #authoramonth, #readwithmrbook
10. Lakehouse reading corner
11. Rebecca
12. Anyone who wants to play

Avanders There are a few The Black Roses... which is your favorite? 4y
Texreader @Avanders 1940s book by Thomas Costain 4y
Avanders Sold! Thanks 😘 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I‘m about halfway through this novel and I‘m really enjoying it. I feel like I‘m taking a tour through #Bulgaria, a country I know nothing about. It‘s both a geographic tour and a history lesson done beautifully well. It‘s not as propulsive as Kostova‘s brilliant The Historian, but it‘s really a gorgeous and detailed novel. #readingeurope2020

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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It‘s a beautiful and quiet day. Reading a chapter from the tagged book, doing a chore or two, taking a walk around the neighborhood (these are from our yard), read a chapter, drink some tea, throw in a load of laundry. Hopefully it will be peaceful like this all day. Wishing the same to you all!

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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One of those sentences that nowadays makes you think: don‘t get so close to the man! Social distancing you fools!

“Alexandra brooded over her one image of them, her head close to Bobby‘s.”

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Next #readingeurope2020 for #Bulgaria. By author of one of the best books ever, The Historian, but also one of the most boring, The Swan Thieves. So very very nervous and excited about this one.

BeckyRoy I‘ll have to try the Historian @Texreader . I really like this one. My bookclub read it or I would have never picked it up. 4y
JSW I found this not as good as the Historian, but better than Swan Thieves. Good luck! 4y
Texreader @BeckyRoy There aren‘t words to describe how much I love the Historian! I‘ve read it over and over. It‘s unbelievably her debut novel but it took her many years to write it. I hope you read it. I plan to reread it soon (edited) 4y
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Texreader @JSW That‘s good to hear. I can‘t imagine much topping the Historian so I‘m ok with that. Thanks!! (edited) 4y
AnneCecilie I must admit that I didn‘t particularly like your description of The Swan Thieves. It‘s still on my tbr 😊 4y
Texreader @AnneCecilie I hope you like it! I just had such high expectations and it was so slow I bailed. 4y
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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Cleo loved this as much as I did.

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I think this might be the only book I‘ve ever read that takes place in #Bulgaria.

I think I‘d classify this as Literary Fiction, although it almost has a bit of a thriller vibe too. I enjoyed it overall, although I had an issue with the MC, a single woman traveling alone in a strange country, immediately trusting the cab driver she just met to drive her all over the country. I did love that there is a dog who is important to the story 🐕❤️

Soubhiville Thanks Holly for gifting me this (forever ago!). There were parts I really liked. I found it interesting the MC was from the Blue Ridge Mountains (where I lived from age 18-32) and wish there had been more about her brother‘s situation. 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘m glad you liked it! Definitely unusual in our country to find books set in Bulgaria. 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Great day for a B&N #bookhaul 😊 Some great buy one, get one deals at my local branch. Perfect opportunity to expand my small nonfiction repertoire, try out Roxanne Gay's writing, and grab the most recent Elizabeth Kostova (the cashier told me she devoured it, so let's see what I think!).

erank58 @Cinfhen so glad to hear! I have a hard time with NF in general, but this has been compared to The Lost City of Z which I flew through! Hoping it works for me :) 4y
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Soubhiville I just finished the tagged book. I thought it was good. 4y
erank58 @Soubhiville Great! Haven't heard too much about it one way or the other, so it's great to some good things! 4y
Hooked_on_books I didn‘t love the tagged book, but I thought the rest were really good. Especially Lab Girl. 😍 4y
erank58 @Hooked_on_books Good to know! I'm curious to see what I think of the tagged. Lab Girl had some great reviews so I'm hoping it sparks a new love of nonfiction! 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Book suggestions for #readingeurope2020 #bulgaria. Fortunately I already own the tagged book and haven‘t read it yet. Or, I could reread one of my fave books of all times: The Historian.

Kimberlone Ooh I loved The Historian! Still haven‘t read Kostova‘s other book too! 4y
tdrosebud I have The Historian planned for this. 4y
Scochrane26 I didn‘t know she had another one. I loved The Historian but didn‘t like Swan Thieves as much. (edited) 4y
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Texreader @Scochrane26 I bailed shortly into Swan Thieves. I‘ve high hopes for Shadow Land. 4y
Crewgurl I ❤️❤️❤️ The Historian!!!!!!!! Swan Thieves was good, but nowhere near my expectations. I liked Shadow Land. 4y
KT1432 I really like these lists you made! I‘m taking notes! 📝 4y
Texreader @lele1432 Thanks!! I‘m studying very hard and choosing only books I‘d really like to read. Truly helped while book shopping today. This will make for some nice tbr lists for the future too! I figure since I‘m making them for me I should post them in case they‘re helpful to others. I hope you find some useful hints! 4y
Texreader @Kimberlone @Scochrane26 @Crewgurl I love reading how much others loved The Historian too. I‘ve read it so many times. It‘s just so so amazingly good. I‘ve read a few bad reviews, which shocks me. I think this book deserves all the love! Who of you would love to see it in a miniseries? 🤚 (edited) 4y
Texreader @tdrosebud I hope you love The Historian as much as the rest of us who posted here. It‘s crazy good. 4y
Kimberlone @Texreader would love to see a miniseries adaptation! I‘d have full trust in hbo doing a good job. 4y
Avanders I also really enjoyed the historian .. so if you read The Shadow Land I‘ll be curious to see how it fares! 4y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I went on a blind date with a book at my favorite bookstore, Tombolo and got this. Definitely not a book I would have gotten on my own, but entertaining all the same. Nothing like a local indie book shop.

MaggieCarr I learned so much reading this title. I've added all the other by this author to my TBR and hope to get to them. Enjoy! 5y
DannyOlda Cool, thanks, @MaggieCarr , I'm looking forward to getting further into this one! 5y
Nute Elizabeth Kostova is the author of one my favorite books of all time! 4y
DannyOlda Thanks, @Nute , I'll check it out! 4y
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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Another stellar book by Elizabeth Kostova! This one hit me in all the feels!

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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Audio-braiding. This girl has so much hair! 👩🏾‍🦱 oh and this book just took such an emotional turn !

cswaingiggles Love the red!! 5y
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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Audio dishes!

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Just completely loved this lovely story 🥰🙌🏽

Crazeedi I agree 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I was really into this book for the first three hundred pages but the pacing really bogged me down after that. The story itself was really interesting and it was a rich and detailed portrait of Bulgaria. The writing was lovely and very poetic. But I found that the ending felt rushed in comparison to some of the meandering passages in this book. I utterly adore this authors book The Historian, and her later books have never lived up to that one.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

One of my favourite authors, but this novel is incredibly boring. The story drags itself along, the characters are superficial. What a pity, since this novel's theme is a very relevant one ...

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📚💖 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I‘ve been waiting to read this since this time last year so here I go 📖😋

ju.ca.no Sounds intriguing😍 5y
Ddzmini @ju.ca.no it is so far 📖😋 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Lunch, tea and reading time

vumblereads That looks good! What is it? 5y
sparrowssavvy @vumblereads I made a grapefruit spinach and walnut salad with goat cheese and avocado 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This was beautifully written, the characters and locales were so well done. Though I didn't like it as much as, The Historian, it was better than, The Swan Thieves.

rachaich Absolutely agree! 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I read this enthused as I'd really devoured her other two.
I did find it rather too coincidental at times, and the plot was loosely intertwined. However, I still give it a thumbs up as sometimes that style is what I need!

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Ohhh, I've been resisting buying this for about a year... and lo and behold, it was in the library!
I adored The Historian and have high hopes for this one :)

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This is a slow moving, albeit beautiful, story. It's so slow moving that for a long time I wasn't sure what story was even being told. The tale we eventually get is heart breaking, difficult to read in places, but the writing is lovely and the characters who contribute information to our MC are all interesting. I think Bobby deserves a book of his own...I adored him.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Home again. Unpacked suitcase in background, new book in hand, tea by my side. #happyplace 😊

BookNerd9906 I loved The Historian. Please lmk what you think of this one? 5y
bookandbedandtea @BookNerd9906 will do! I liked The Historian too. 5y
BookNerd9906 Awesome! Thanks. 😊 5y
bookandbedandtea @BookNerd9906 I finally finished. It's beautifully written, sad, fascinating.... and nothing at all like The Historian. 5y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

Bulgarian mystery, set in present day and post-war period. I didn‘t know anything about Bulgarian politics and history, but I gained an appreciation for both through this novel. The American protagonist arrives in Sofia to teach English and becomes embroiled in a dangerous multigenerational secret.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Oh, I don‘t know what to say about this book. As an exploration of Bulgaria, now and in the communist era, it is interesting with lovely writing. As a narrative story, it is a mess with too many coincidences that hangs on a completely unrealistic relationship that I couldn‘t buy into. I think there‘s a great book buried in here, but this just isn‘t it.

Cinfhen I bailed! 6y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen You know, I would have bailed, too, but I was using it for my Litsy reading challenge. What a mess! 6y
Cinfhen I admire your tenacity - that book was a HOT MESS 🙄 6y
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zsuzsanna_reads Thanks for the feedback @Cinfhen and @Hooked__on__books ! Will give this one a miss then. 6y
Cinfhen I feel bad @zsuzsanna_reads because there are people who really liked this book.... I say #BorrowNotBuy and see if it works for you 6y
Hooked_on_books @zsuzsanna_reads I agree with @Cinfhen . Everyone‘s taste is different, so I would get it from the library and bail if it doesn‘t work. 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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“From her plane window, Alexandra has seen a city cradled in mountains and flanked by towering apartment buildings like tombstones.”

My time in beautiful Bulgaria featured quite the road trip, involving an urn of ashes and a dangerous story. It was fascinating to learn pieces of recent Bulgarian history, but overall, the book was much longer than it really needed to be.

#BackpackEurope: Bulgaria ✔️

Nebklvr Nowhere near as atmospheric as The Historian. 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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My next #BackpackEurope stop: Bulgaria.

BarbaraBB I love your trip, you are really going off the beaten track!! 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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#backpackEurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 16: Bulgaria is lovely. Beautiful Roman ruins, Black Sea beaches, monasteries, old streets. They're preparing for the Apollonia Arts Festival right now.
Another Kostova book - this again tells multiple stories across past and present and involves a mystery, albeit not as scary as Dracula's tomb. It's like a tour of Bulgaria with a story, though the history of gulags is a sad one. Scenic writing. 4/5

bookandcat Disclosure: I received a copy from #netgalley in exchange for an honest review. 6y
bookandcat Also book 2 #vacation and #boutofbooks - eek so many hashtags! 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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#TBRtemptation post 4! Young American Alexandra Boyd travels to Sofia, Bulgaria, hoping to heal from the loss of her brother. Whole settling in, she helps an elderly couple into a taxi and accidentally keeps a bag containing a box with an urn. Setting out to return it, she'll uncover secrets about an oppressed musician, secrets tinged with their own danger. Be prepared to be immersed in Bulgaria! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😁

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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Beautiful, heartbreaking and mending. Set in Bulgaria- a place I didn‘t realize I wanted to know better. Read it!!!!

Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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I love Elizabeth Kostova, and saw this on sale today!!

Melissa_J Darn it! This one isn‘t on sale in Canada 😩 6y
Centique @Melissa_J we never get the same sales in Aus/NZ either. I wish we did; the US kindle sales look much better 😩 6y
shahn77 Awesome price! I really loved this one. Maybe even more than 'The Historian'. 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Alexandra helps an elderly couple get into a cab, accidentally taking one of their bags, in which cremated ashes reside. What follows is her attempt, with assistance from a taxi driver, to return the ashes. How could she know the past horrors or perils yet to befall its existence?

Had this been about 200 pages of descriptions less than its 477, it would have been marvelous. Still, I applaud her for this novel that will remain in my own memories

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Kostova does it again. I will read anything this woman writes! She has a way of taking you with her to exotic lands, weaving her stories in such a way that you feel like you‘ve truly met her characters. I loved this one!

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Ok let‘s do this !

Karen5 Ok I done with this book , love the story , love the two books I had read from her , can‘t wait to see what else she have . 6y
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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Selfie with insomnia and audiobook.

Kaye 🧐 6y
Dragon Is it supposed to be just a black square? If not , the photo didn‘t download? 6y
the_hibernator @Dragon it is a black square. It was meant as a joke, since it was the middle of the night 6y
Dragon 😂 that‘s typical of me, needing the joke explained. 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I loved this book. It‘s a mystery set in modern Bulgaria, that winds back through the Communist era, including the concentration camps for enemies of the state, which I knew little about. Interspersed throughout are beautifully written descriptions of the country that make me want to travel there immediately. As an American who grew up in the 1970s-80s, I know little about the countries behind the Iron Curtain, so I learned a lot and enjoyed it.

The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I am loving this book. It makes me want to visit Bulgaria. The descriptions are beautiful.

And apparently it is acceptable in Bulgaria to breakfast on bread, cheese and salami. My kind of people.

Texreader And Scandinavia! So my Norwegian husband and my son can often be found eating these open-faced sandwiches right here in south Texas. Can‘t wait to read this book. Got it for Christmas from the hubs. 6y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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My library hold came in last week, but I was trying to finish The Queen of the Night, so I‘m just now starting it. I‘ve got seven days left on the lending period. It‘s already sucked me in, so we‘re off to a good start!

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I loved this book. This book takes place in Bulgaria. It has a mystery, a little romance, and a lot of history. I really enjoyed the characters and the writing. This was a lovely read that kept me guessing.

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Shadow Land | Elizabeth Kostova
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Elizabeth Kostova is an excellent writer, although if I knew what the subject matter would be here I doubt I would of read this one. I add books to my TBR list and download any when they are available, so sometimes I start a book rather blindly. I just know they are recommended.

The pure brutality and evilness that exists in some human beings is shocking. It makes me hurt. I can't grasp why or how these people come to be. 😥

julesG I like your honesty. I'm the same. 7y
Andrew65 I want to try this one. 7y
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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

Something about this author and Eastern Europe. She did an amazing job with the characters and creating suspense and unexpected turns.

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The Shadow Land: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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#uncannyOctober #setinEasternEurope I know a lot of people were put off by this book. Having lived in Eastern Europe in the early 90's, so much of what happens in this sounds very plausible to me. We heard similar stories. Since I've never been to Bulgaria, the picture is of Certovka in Prague, a favorite spot when we lived there. I didn't take this picture; our son gave it to us. You're seeing a picture of a picture 😄

Cinfhen Beautiful 7y
LeeRHarry I lived in southern Germany in the early 90s and visited Prague often - I loved it and I'm reluctant to go back in case my memory of it is spoilt 😔 I've read the Historian by the author - loved it - and I'm keen to read this one. 7y
kspenmoll Gorgeous! 7y
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