Judge Tatel is asking all of his questions in poetic meter. Give this man some kind of prize. This is great. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#macbeth #shakespeare #maybethomas #cspan #freethesisters #judgetatelforthewin
Judge Tatel is asking all of his questions in poetic meter. Give this man some kind of prize. This is great. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#macbeth #shakespeare #maybethomas #cspan #freethesisters #judgetatelforthewin
“The single greatest witch hunt in Scottish history.”
“It was Lady Macbeth‘s taunts that threatened Macbeth‘s fragile masculinity, maybe he has small hands.”
Lady Macbeth is a “nasty woman.”
“His promise to drain the bog.”
“Macbeth is a climate change denier. You can‘t blame climate change on the sisters.”
“New to government...let‘s look at his tweets.”
🤣😂🤣 This is brilliant!!! 🤣😂🤣
#macbeth #shakespeare #maybethomas #cspan #freethesisters
Wow, this was just hilarious. I never thought I‘d laugh at anything aired on C-SPAN. 🤣😂🤣 Plus, if a lawyer can drop in THAT many pop culture references AND give a rebuttal in inambic pentameter, she deserves the win. Just saying.
#twelfthnight #shakespeare #cspan #shakespearereadalong #greatestideaever
My #LetsHyggeSwap package from @Captivatedbybooks was delivered today! I'm super excited to unwrap it on 9/20.
Also pictured are my #CurrentReads : #WhatHappened by #HRC & #TooFatTooSluttyTooLoud by #AnneHelenPetersen :
#Buzzfeed writer Petersen offers an accessible, analytical look at #opinionated, brazen, #unruly #femalecelebrities and how they are pushing the boundaries of what it means to be an “acceptable” woman. | #Feminism #ImwithHer
This is happening...
Just reading the author's note made me tear up. Lump in my throat.