Pythagoras is probably my favourite ancient philosopher. He was a bit of a nut, but he did like how math is in everything, so he put it into his philosophy.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #Pythagoras #math #music
Pythagoras is probably my favourite ancient philosopher. He was a bit of a nut, but he did like how math is in everything, so he put it into his philosophy.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #Pythagoras #math #music
Too bad we‘ve stopped teaching people to think independently (even though factory work hasn‘t been the standard work place of the masses for generations), or America might actually be having a philosophical revolution right now as opposed to tearing apart at the seams.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #EricHoffer #Disagreement #ThinkPhilosophically
One must first question to gain knowledge.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #DenisDiderot
Philosophy as a puzzle.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #BertrandRussell #interconnected #interdependence
This is how I‘m explaining philosophy to students from now on.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #BertrandRussell #PhilosophyInANutshell
Shakes is EVERYWHERE I tell ya!!!
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing #Shakespeare #thinking #goodandbad
So excited to read this. Love that I got it for $2. I‘m hoping this helps me with philosophy students in the writing lab, as well as exploring new ideas and intellectual approaches to life.
#ThePhilosophyBook #Philosophy #TheHumanMind #DKPublishing
The source material for Hamlet is a ROMANCE?! I‘m a nerd obsessed with Hamlet, so I‘ve always wanted to read the originals, but now I REALLY want to know how this works out. Who doesn‘t he fall in love with? Ophelia?
#TheShakespeareBook #DKpublishing #Hamlet #DanishKingAmleth #theoriginalhamlet #denmarkisaprison #romance #whatshappeninghere #tragedy