Wonderful. Indian boarding schools, indigenous knowledge, community.
Wonderful. Indian boarding schools, indigenous knowledge, community.
How in touch with nature the Native Americans were and still are has always amazed me. This is a good story of preserving culture, family, health and the seeds that grow from the earth to feed and keep us healthy. The story is a good reminder that we as humans should leave things as nature intended. Although slow in parts, the Seed Keeper is a story that will make you think and perhaps inspire you to plant your own garden. 🪴
OK historical narrative but I expected it to be more interesting. She met some kind people among them.
Starting this short account of a woman's captivity by the Sioux [Dakota or other] right after the Indian troubles in Minnesota in 1862.
Trying to get this finished, but I‘m interrupted every 3 min by all the other living beings in the household. 😏 Such perfect weather this morning.
The straggles in the little pot are the purslane crumbs leftover from a deer snack. 😠 Plus, I planted some “deer resistant” plants this week and they promptly mowed down two of them. I should have sprayed them.
Rereading this one for what is hopefully a new regular IRL bookclub. 🤞🏾
Difficult to categorize - a white man gets a call to come visit with an Indian elder and help him write a book of his observations. It's fascinating, frustrating and meaningful. Worth picking up for sure.
This one is tough. I couldn‘t power through it quickly like I usually do, as it was a slow burn. The end had me crying and cursing my high school (lack of) education. It was barbaric and sad and quiet and powerful. I never want to read it again.
⭐️: 3.75/5