Who put this book on a “best-of” list? Stupid.
Beautiful, hopeful, aspirational novel about the giving economy. We should all read one chapter each day, over and over, until this nightmare is over.
Very short, autobiographical, compelling story about the writer waking up after surgery for a brain tumor. Couldn‘t put it down.
This was surprisingly on a year-end “best of 2024” list. Surprisingly because it was so fun and beach-read-y. I liked the characters (Daphne and Miles and Miles‘ sister, Julia). The ode to libraries and books and small towns in Michigan! Couldn‘t put it down.
What a delight. I don‘t even like nonfiction. I learned so much, it‘s so close to home (Shickley? Little Blue?) (the Continental Divide is where the rivers run the other way, not the highest peak?) Loved it.
So enjoyable. I love how all the characters keep making appearances. I love that William and Elizabeth are back together. I love the idea of storytelling. Of course, Olive Kittredge. Don‘t know how long she can string the same long story out, but I‘m still in.
Wow. Painful, real, an actual true account of what happens to women after war. Couldn‘t put it down but happy to finish.
Wonderful. Indian boarding schools, indigenous knowledge, community.
Amazing. Written in 1993, how did she know? There‘s no water in California, the lucky people still live in houses behind walls, everyone is armed to the teeth. Terrific.
Ah this author. What took me so long? Loved this story of post-Depression, pre-WW2 New York. Loved that Eve reappears in Table for Two. Blew through it in 2.5 days.
Such fond memories of Paris, where I bought this. A little slow to start and loved it by halfway. Wonderful characters!
Not what I expected, layered story of the end of a marriage. Entertaining and fun.
Picked this up at Homestead National Monument in Nebraska. It‘s about a black homesteading family in South Dakota. Terrific.
Her novellas are amazing. I loved this one more than Small Things like These, which was terrific. The girl who goes to the country to stay with relatives, the secrets, the dead son, the impoverished parents with too many kids, all the things unsaid. What a talent.
Not the right moment. Ireland, small town, electrification. It didn‘t grab me.
Charming story about an octopus bringing a woman and her grandson together. I cried and couldn‘t put it down.
Just delightful. I am not a huge short story fan but relished each of these. One of my favorite authors.
Beautiful memoir of moving to Minnesota and embracing the food and culture. Beautiful book.
Picked this up on a whim and loved her journey. Lovely to know that others are so connected to their cats. 🐈
Terrific. Unusual and — who knew there was so much literature and culture in gaming?! — compelling. Worth the hype.
I skimmed this because of course I am no good at slow. Good ideas here — allow twice as much time for projects as you think you need because you actually need that long.
Love this author. I knew next to nothing about the Vietnam War (thank you US education) and not only learned a lot, but also about a wholly unreported part of the effort. Couldn‘t put it down.
Tried this before an upcoming trip to France. The personal story is lovely but I couldn‘t get into the specific history of all that animal-based French food. Not the right moment for me.
So interesting—the Anti-Rent War in the northeast, radical rural movements, so incredibly timeless. Really enjoyed it. Also love that I discovered this book at Milkweed Books in Minneapolis. Also the gorgeous cover by Joan Nelson!
Delightful book—second time I‘ve read it! Book barge, Paris, regret, love story. France😍
Marcelo brought me this book from Ireland. I blew through it in Italy in 2 days. Wish this kind of obsessive, self-annihilating relationship were unknown to me and to all women but the book was spot on. Loved it and couldn‘t wait for her to get to the other side of it.
Great ending. Chona, the grocery store, Pottstown, Dodo the deaf boy, more. Great characters.
This was on my list for years and it was good, but ??? I guess it‘s the moral of the story: count your blessings. Try not to have so many regrets, help others.
I always wanted to read this but now I remember I mostly like fiction.
It was good, as predicted. But too long. Couldn‘t this story have been told in 400 pages rather than 715? Enjoyed learning more about leprosy and the Communist movement in India.
This was a quick and fun read, but not quite sure about the sci-fi sister in the trunk. I enjoyed it but wouldn‘t pass it on.
Wow just finished this 600+ page wonder and still absorbing all the relationships and … the ending!?! Captivating, going to be an amazing movie. Imelda, Dickie, Frank, the garage, the secrets. Great.
Another terrific book by Naomi Alderman. Tech billionaires leaving the rest of us behind. Great surprise ending. Can‘t wait for her next one.
Another book about the Kentucky Packhorse Library of the WPA! A young British woman marries into a KY coal family. It‘s awful of course but she finds her people with the librarians. Sad for it to end.
This was an amazing book. Reads like a thriller even though you know the good guys win. So many villains. Loved it. P 111
He presents as a man at home within himself, whose waters run deep but whose surface is no less real.
Really captivating, what is up with Barbara? And Walter, her shithead German(?) husband? Surprises/unpeeling all the way to the end and then - bam -it‘s done. Still thinking about it. Is Barbara dying? The disabled secret child? Was Walter Russian too? Is Barbara? Who is Bernd‘s father? Ugh the Germans. Maybe I should read it again!
So interesting and memorable. Blue-skinned people of Kentucky, Kentucky Pack horse library of the 1930s—not that long ago and yet another world. Loved it.
Memorable story about abject poverty and impact of the pandemic in the poorest of countries. Fair warning for climate change—people will do anything when they are desperate. Still not nearly as good as The Art of Hearing Heartbeats.
A worthy set-up to the Hunger Games, and leaves us ready for a sequel.
Another lovely installation by Elizabeth Strout. I love the pandemic-timeliness, the love story of Lucy and William, all the recurring Maine characters.
Borrowed this from Mom-historical fiction about the Martin Handcart Company, a group of zealous European Mormon immigrants. Disastrous. Memorable.
So fun and timely. Really clever, loved the science and the wonderfully smart dog (6:30). Of course it‘s going to tv.
Terrific. Shockingly, the MoFos are dying, the result of their screen addiction. Mother Nature always wins. Told by a crow (ST), this is one of the best books I‘ve read in 2023.