Look, I really, really struggle this time of year. I get it. So to catch up for #survivingdecember, I took the prompt for #feellikeyouwontmakeit at its word. Because I want all of us to make it and really survive December. We‘ve got this.
Look, I really, really struggle this time of year. I get it. So to catch up for #survivingdecember, I took the prompt for #feellikeyouwontmakeit at its word. Because I want all of us to make it and really survive December. We‘ve got this.
Today was a day where I felt #feellikeyouwontmakeit. Long day so I could head out for the holidays without taking work along. This book reminded me to breathe and was a good refresher on mindfulness. It encouraged me to try meditation again. He explained the benefits and frustrations well through the framework of his personal journey. There were some bits I found grating but he was honest. 🌟🌟🌟. #survivingdecember
This one is one of my go-to for those times when you #FeelLikeYouWontMakeIt I know a lot of ppl don‘t see it, but I love the optimism of that last line. 💙💙💙#SurvivingDecember #lastlines