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My #5JoysFriday list:

-A cup of hot minestrone soup in the airport “fancy” lounge
-Friends reruns, my e-book & pizza bagel on my flight to Oregon
-The wind chimes in my sister‘s backyard are joyful & relaxing
-My sister‘s afternoon iced coffee game is perfection & brought me joy🧊☕️
-#LitsyLove & Summer Natural Litsy Card Swap (I bought my cards to try & fill out here!) 💛

Headed to a sibling dinner & then I‘ll be around to see your posts!💛

dabbe I'd be lost without FRIENDS' reruns! Looks like you had a fabulous week! 💙💚💙 4w
DebinHawaii The last two days at least! First half was a bit of a scramble. 😉 4w
kspenmoll What a wonderful time you‘re having withFamily! 4w
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Deblovestoread Great time for your visit with the lovely weather we are having! 4w
Daisey Enjoy the rest of your visit! 4w
KadaGul It looks like you had a pretty good ☺️week! Sometimes, a few small joys 🥰😊 are all you need.#FewJoys 4w
Catsandbooks That coffee looks perfect! Enjoy your visit! ❤️ 4w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 4w
DebinHawaii @kspenmoll It truly is! It‘s been so nice to be with everyone. 💛 4w
DebinHawaii @Deblovestoread I am loving the weather! I got lucky! 4w
DebinHawaii @KadaGul Yes! Lots of little joys! 💛💛💛 4w
DebinHawaii @Catsandbooks It was/is so good! I had some yesterday too! 🧊☕️💛 4w
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