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Free Will | Sam Harris
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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Nothing kicks off a great book like a horrific murder of all but one member of a family on your birthday in 2007! I think I‘m going to need a stiff drink.
#FreeWill #SamHarris #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

kspenmoll Apologies-waiting for this book! 4h
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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AlaSkaat I‘ve been in the hospital for a week. Can‘t wait to have a small distraction!! Excited to start a new discussion 1d
TheBookHippie My book finally arrived today 😝🤪🤣😵‍💫🫣😅 OFF to read it. It‘s a tiny thing! 1d
TheBookHippie @AlaSkaat oh dear I hope you‘re okay! 1d
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat oh no! I hope everyone is okay! 24h
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I got through this week‘s reading rather quickly. I was wondering what the book actually looked like, size wise. 24h
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Free Will | Sam Harris
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I did a bit of a quote turn around for this one, so that we can be done before Thanksgiving, and then we can start up again in the new year, maybe the 3rd Sunday of January 2025. That will give us plenty of time for catching up, the holidays, a little rest, and then picking up our intellectual heavy lifting. Let me know your thoughts.

TheBookHippie Looks good! 3w
AlaSkaat That works for me! I‘ll try to keep on schedule this time 🤞 got the book coming Monday 3w
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ravenlee Looks good! I‘m looking forward to rejoining the group. 3w
GingerAntics @ravenlee welcome back my friend! 3w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat oh, we‘ve all gotten off track a time or two! You‘re in good company! 3w
AlaSkaat I‘ve just read the I guess Introduction? to the book and I‘m already excited for this! I‘m currently making my way through The selfish Gene and it‘s interesting to connect those two, from what I‘ve read so far of how genes make us. 3w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat is there a selfish gene? It can run in families, but then a selfish parent pushes all their kids to be decent human beings in other families. 3w
AlaSkaat @GingerAntics he doesn‘t talk so much about our behaviour or motives. Basically says how we are all ‘robots‘ for a gene thats causing us to behave in such ways that increases it‘s survival.(culture&environment do play role but he focuses on the evolution of the gene), -Mothers saving kids, not so much altruistic or saving her ‘line‘ but saving their gene that‘s inside them, so the act in evolution sense is selfish 3w
AlaSkaat He‘s of the opinion that evolution is about survival of the individual (the gene) and not the species (the group). Which is often what‘s said. He explains a lot, it‘s really interesting, especially when combined with the free will 3w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat wow, that feels almost nihilistic to me. Then how does he explain people saving children that aren‘t their own? It feels like he‘s more selfish than evolution or genetics. By his argument, eugenics is not only inevitable but acceptable. Gross. 3w
AlaSkaat He explains that too! I don‘t remember much now but he doesn‘t mean we‘re actual robots, haha. Just that through evolution, this gene fought to survive. In scientific sense it‘s selfish because it HAS to be selfish to survive. And saving random people in that sense PRESERVES that gene too. So the gene will kill itself if it can keep it alive through another ‘robot‘ to pass on. It‘s not just our individual genes. It‘s inside all living things 3w
AlaSkaat I haven‘t got very far in the book yet, otherwise I‘d explain it better. I‘m not good at explaining scientific stuff haha 3w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat that‘s fair. He is going way out there from what I can tell. Is it a specific gene or just humanity in general, genetically speaking? 3w
AlaSkaat Ok so basically he just talks of natural selection- and a gene has to have these qualities to survive- longevity, fecundity, copying fidelity. And so between altruism and selfishness, altruistic gene would not survive, it wouldn‘t go on for generations for obvious reasons. (Like long legs gene if favoured in dangerous situations, but short legs in other) 2w
AlaSkaat So one of many attributes of a ‘good‘ gene then is selfishness. I‘m super confused wether he means actual selfishness or if a specific gene has to be selfish. I‘m super confused by what I‘m reading haha 2w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat it sounds like he‘s talking about genes that actively try to get themselves passed on. Since genes done have feelings or even morality of their own, so I don‘t think they are selfish in that sense. I‘m thinking he‘s just using a colloquial term (however emotionally charged for some of us - especially women). 2w
GingerAntics @AlaSkaat I could be totally wrong, too, though. I‘m just going off what you‘re telling me. Maybe he‘s a total twat and he‘s saying this is why ugly people don‘t procreate. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2w
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But, given their track record, even given a chance, WILL they learn anything? Of all the chances they have has thus far, HAVE they learned anything? Part of me wants to tell Lucy to have at it! If the “anti-Christ” can want to change people‘s minds so they will be more accepting of others, that‘s probably pointing at a problem with people never learning from their own pasts than a need to be given a chance to learn something new. Just saying.

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Free Will | Sam Harris
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Today‘s #bookmail - I‘m hoping to get back into #deadphilosopherssociety with this one. 🤞🏻 I have not done well with scheduled reading for the past year or so, and now I‘m especially caught up in daily Substacks about the current political nightmare…I mean situation. And that leaves less time for books, unfortunately.

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We‘ve talked about reading about and discussing free will. Our next book will be one of these two books. The first one, by Sapolsky, is said to be more science based and some find all the science a slog. The second one, by Harris, is more popular and older. The first came out just last year. We can read both, we can read one. Now taking votes. lol

TheBookHippie Ooooooo. Gah… I‘ll read both 😅😂🤣 2mo
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GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I was thinking that too. Maybe the Sam Harris first, just to get our feet wet, then dig into the science. 2mo
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics that seems logical. 2mo
kspenmoll It‘s hard to choose- SH short & 10 yrs old; the other chunkster & a challenge- brain stretch for me!!! I like the idea of SH first to get a taste…. @TheBookHippie Is this for August? Into sept etc?! With both? (edited) 2mo
ravenlee The Sapolsky comes out in paperback in mid-October, if that makes a difference to anyone. 2mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll we would start the next one a few weeks after we finish How to Think Like a Woman, so probably September and October I would think. I didn‘t know the other was a chunkster. Perhaps that‘s better for starting next year off. We could start like mid January or February. (edited) 2mo
GingerAntics @ravenlee I didn‘t know it wasn‘t out completely yet. That probably does make a difference. @kspenmoll said it was a chunkster, so maybe that‘s better for after the holidays. 2mo
kspenmoll @GingerAntics @ravenlee Thanks for update re paperback printing. I like all of your thoughts for Sam H first, then sapolsky after it comes out in paperback- read over a few months.😀 2mo
GingerAntics @kspenmoll definitely going to have to break up the chunkster! 2mo
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BarbaraBB Great illustration 3y
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