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TheSpineView Sounds like a good plan. 3d
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m reading Ellie‘s first book in the new series now. 3d
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Sorry guys! I totally dropped the ball this week. It‘s been a crazy couple of weeks. I‘ll get the questions up sometime tonight or tomorrow.
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

TheBookHippie I‘m behind I‘ve had a lot of appointments and doctoring 😵‍💫🤣😅😝 4d
kspenmoll No need to apologize. You have mentioned life is nutty for you lately. I just caught up myself. 4d
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Sunday morning #buddyread time, plus a #libraryfind. I love this mug, “Read and grow”. It‘s just me, my porch, a soft breeze at 69 degrees,birds, & books. Totally content. #sundaybuddyread #adventuresinphilosophy #HighlandBookshopMysteries

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds heavenly 💛 6d
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kspenmoll I do not think public schools provide that- too many constraints from Boards of Ed, towns, states, etc. A rigorous education would mean a derp study of classics, languages, science, etc. That might be what college is for, & why colleges have requirements to meet before one graduates. 5d
kspenmoll Let us know how you are. Sending love & hope to you.💛❤️💛 (edited) 5d
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kspenmoll To me our senses make our own individual reality. So maybe truth is subjective, depending on one‘s senses & experience in the world. It‘s confusing to me because then is there truth? Truth beyond each one‘s individual truth? How do we define / discover truth? 🤯🥺🤪 5d
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GingerAntics I have an opinion on this one, that even uses their own theology, but I‘ll keep it to myself for now. 2w
kspenmoll @GingerAntics Please tell! I have yo contemplate this. 5d
kspenmoll I think its an interaction between both the world & people. We hurt each other. If by the world is meant nature, then people hurt the earth. If the world is a political one, we hurt each other with decisiveness & and inability to find common ground that dies exist. I want to reread this section to see if I am missing something. 5d
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Am I the only one freaked out by this. “Oh, it looks like a saint! We like the saint but not the baby! Look, the mother already screwed it up!” 🙄 I swear.
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

kspenmoll This was an astonishing part- so from that he decides woman/mothers are responsible for creating “monsters” due to their original sin & sinful character. Horrible dated message for people with disabilities. 5d
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Sorry guys, it‘s been a crazy week here. My whole world got flipped upside down, then Litsy wouldn‘t open for me yesterday afternoon.
#HowToThinkLikeAWoman #ReganPenaluna #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll @bnp

kspenmoll Are you doing alright? ❤️ 2w
DaveGreen7777 Hope everything is okay now! 2w
kspenmoll To answer the question, I do not think Christianity puts character at the center of its teaching, but rather rules & regulations & sin is in the forefront. Character seems minor to me in my aged old experience. 5d
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Murder in an English Village | Jessica Ellicott
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My week ahead:
~Read sections required for 3 books in first row. #sundaybuddyread #adventuresinphilosophy #asbyatt
~continue listening to Murder in an English Village #berylandedwinamystery #audible
~ Read what I can of the others-mood reading #readyourkindle #commissionaireguidobrunettimystery #bookspin #libraryfind

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The Bear That Wasn't | Frank Tashlin
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📕 https://archive.org/details/bearthatwasnt00tash

So this blurb is a reason I picked this book⬇️

“This book can be used to teach philosophy to children because it discusses the overall concept of self-identity. Throughout the book, Tashlin describes a process similar to when people do not recognize what is different and unique about certain individuals and they then attach labels to those individuals. “

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curiouserandcurioser @TheBookHippie Looking forward to this!!:) 2w
julieclair I have never heard of this book before, but that blurb makes it sound like a really important book to read with my grandkids. 2w
TheBookHippie @julieclair I found it looking for classic children‘s books -looks so good right?! 2w
julieclair Yes! The illustrations look adorable. 2w
tpixie @TheBookHippie this book sounds impactful & the illustrations look delightful. 2w
kspenmoll It sounds great. Never heard of it. Maybe an adjacent book for #adventuresinphilosophy @GingerAntics ? 2w
UwannaPublishme Cool! Now I‘m even more excited to read this 🤓🙌🏻 1w
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