This is a terrifically written book about a horrific monster, and it‘s parts like this one that makes me love Michelle McNamara even more. #gsk #truecrime
This is a terrifically written book about a horrific monster, and it‘s parts like this one that makes me love Michelle McNamara even more. #gsk #truecrime
Started reading this last night before bed, but I had to stop before I got too far in and gave myself nightmares. Continued this morning, it's so good! #gsk
My favourite book of 2018 (So far). Absolutely heart breaking...for every single victim and for the fact that Michelle Mcnamara can't be here to see some justice finally be served! Her writing style is beautiful and the guys who finished this book did a wonderful job of honouring the years of work she put into this! What a book. What a women. #murderino #mfm #thattruecrimelife #goldenstatekiller #ear-ons #gsk #michellemcnamara #books2018
I can't lie, I really loved this one. The end was somewhat anti climatic for me since I knew already they had found him but McMamara's writing was brilliant and she did a wonderful job of not only reporting the facts but presenting them as facts! #truecrime #gsk #springreads
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As a life long crime sleuth & someone with two degrees focused around criminal justice - if you‘re a crime buff THIS IS A MUST READ! This notorious case was unsolved for over 40 years until April 2018 when they made an arrest. I had just finished the book when the arrest was made & having it be unsolved when I was reading this book I can tell you there were a few sections that made my skin crawl. You will defiantly leave a light on!