I guess it‘s time for a #hungergames reread.
I guess it‘s time for a #hungergames reread.
“Here‘s your diploma, congratulations, by the way, you can now speak to ghosts, good luck in life!” #shakespearelogic
Hi, I‘m definitely not sitting in a park crying over this book.
*Waits until she‘s safely in her car before screaming* I LOVE THE LIBRARY. #wildergirls #paultremblay #mrrogers
I‘m 140 pages in and this book is super #creepy, but whenever Christopher talks about the “nice man,” this is literally all I can picture.
Oh hey, who has two thumbs and is now getting the heck away from this carousel? #thisgirl
The in-laws were just rude before, but now I‘m convinced that they‘re evil. #dontdothat
As the second born to a golden first, I felt this deep in my soul #joeyslittlesister #forever
Honestly one of the most terrifying books I‘ve read, and I‘m only halfway through it. #tooreal
Adventure. Action. Magic. Badass women and men (and dog). This was more than I ever hoped for.
And with one last favorite quote, this reread comes to an end. Until next time, Potter. #harrypotterreread
Neville‘s grandma is who I aspire to be. #harrypotterreread
Ohhhhh yeah, now we‘re getting somewhere. #harrypotterreread
Welcome to being an adult, Harry Potter. #harrypotterreread
Look, it‘s really hard trying to read while something so cute is right there. #harrypotterreread
“Way to flirt with my mom, Harry!” #harrypotterreread
What kind of fan would I be if I missed today? It‘s been 20 years of Azkaban, of dementors, of Sirius Black, of the beginning of my intense love of this series. Here‘s to another 20 of this perfect book. #harrypotter #expectopatronum20
Until. The. Very. End. #harrypotterreread
Aunt Petunia has always interested me. I never saw her hating Lily. I saw her attitude as jealousy and, after Lily‘s death, anger that she never had a chance to make things right with her sister. As a sister, I get disapproving of your sister‘s choices. But through the eye rolling and loudly wondering what she‘s doing, love always persists. #harrypotterreread
Oh, thank goodness I‘m done with the terrible book and now I‘m on Harry Potter and the Happy Fun Times Where Absolutely No One Dies. #harrypotterreread
Look, I‘m just here for the Sirius-related jokes. #harrypotterreread
The fifth book was always too full: too full of angst, too full of angry Harry, too full of Umbridge. In this reread, I see it for what it is: a 15-year-old boy whose whole world is against him and he feels like no one can understand. That‘s everyone as a 15 year old. I‘m taking this reread slower and trying to appreciate the fact that our brave wizard is also just a boy. #harrypotterreread
Ah, yes, I see I‘ve reached the ”Captain Hindsight yelling” part of the book now. #harrypotterreread
Look, this might be my least favorite book of the series, but this conversation makes up for part of the unpleasantness. #harrypotterreread
The worst of all, Madam Pomfrey: Umbridge. #harrypotterreread
Literally everyone is the worst in this book - yes, even Ethan - but Chana and Lynn are perfect most of the time.
*Cue my mom‘s exhausted voice during my report on Carlsbad Caverns* Stalagmites MIGHT make it to the top and stalactites hold TIGHT to the ceiling. #thanksmom
I absolutely love when secondhand books are written in. I like to imagine what the other owners were thinking. Like this. Did they like the name Xenia? Is that a name of a relative? Did they know Xenia and this is just a step in their revenge plot against her? So many options.
Here we go. I brought a friend just in case I get too scared. #stephenking #horror
This is a terrifically written book about a horrific monster, and it‘s parts like this one that makes me love Michelle McNamara even more. #gsk #truecrime
This book is going to have me in tears pretty soon. #ya
A+ for the #Starkid reference. #harrypotter #averypottermusical
I‘m enjoying the heck out of this book so far, and this passage made me stop and think for a minute. At least it stopped me from being terrified for awhile. #horror
Look, I understand that I have no bookshelves yet and I really have no place to put these right now. But, I mean...books. #moving
If I‘ve learned anything from this series, it‘s not to get too attached to anyone {luckily I‘m an idiot, so I‘m attached to everyone}, but Empress Alyx speaks the truth. #arc #ya #theheartforger
Look, I‘m not saying that this is the perfect Sunday night. Wait til my pizza comes, and then it‘s perfect.
“Three, if you counted Judith.” Maggie Stiefvater‘s love of cars is showing.
I don‘t know what good thing I did to deserve this. #bookishfirst #ya #threedayweekend
Welp, time to throw away all of my responsibilities and dive into this. #theheartforger #moreteaplease