A must read for true crime fans that followed this case in the news!
A must read for true crime fans that followed this case in the news!
John Douglas books are always fascinating. Bring back Mindhunter on Netflix you cowards!!
Yet another interesting and informative true crime read from Robin Bowles. Very well researched and gritty all cases are told with the utmost respect for the victims. ⭐⭐⭐⭐#robinbowles #collateraldamage #truecrime #goodreads #getlitsy #thestorygraph #tea_sipping_bookworm #bookstagram #bookqueen #australiantruecrime
A fascinating read covering some of Australia's most infamous female murders and also some that are not so well known. Another well written and researched true crime read from Paul B Kidd. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #paulbkidd #australiasmostevilwomen #truecrime #tea_sipping_bookworm #getlitsy #thestorygraph #thefivemilepress
#bannedbooksunday book #2 is "A Stolen Life" by Jaycee Dugard. This book was banned due to references to drugs, smoking and alcohol, offensive language, sexually explicit content and being deemed "unsuitable" for the age group, as well as "adopting, supporting or promoting gender fluidity".
An interesting true crime read focusing on a vast range of Australian crime cases. Fascinating insights and well researched highly recommend for anyone interested in Australian true crime and just how the closest people to the victims are often the perpetrators of their murders.⭐⭐⭐⭐ #victoriaheywood #truecrime #goodreads #getlitsy #thestorygraph #tea_sipping_bookworm #bookqueen #bookstagram #fivemilepress
“The notion that a crime could be clearly gendered was rooted in European models of criminology, but such models of criminality struggled to account for a female criminal. Within the prevailing models of the human mind, women were seen as somewhat less evolved than men and with a corresponding lack of rational control over their actions—barely protected from their underlying degeneracy by male control, especially over their sexuality.”
A deeper dive into some of Australia's most notable murders. Some I was familiar with and others I had never heard of. A fascinating read some of the cases in this book still remain unsolved. Highly recommend for fans of Australian true crime. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #emilywebb #murderinsuburbia #truecrime #goodreads #getlitsy thestorygraph #goodreads #tea_sipping_bookworm #fivemilepress
This author just isn‘t for me. This is the third book I‘ve read from them and the third pan. I just don‘t get on with the writing style. It‘s frustratingly repetitive and while the topic was interesting I feel like it suffered because of the writing. Needed a few more edits to tighten it up in places and to stop explaining the same things over and over again. Could‘ve been half the size without the repetition. #MCBC pick for January.
Definitely not my favorite narrative history, I'm not sure that I liked the alternating chapters. I think I would have preferred two different books- one about the Chicago World's Fair and another about the murders. I get that they tie together in settings and influx of victims but I think they could have stood alone. Anyway, I'll definitely look at the area of Chicago differently the next time I visit The Museum of Science & Industry.