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Elementals: Ice Wolves | Amie Kaufman
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My full review can be found here on my blog: https://wp.me/p82sSb-el
I utterly loved this book, easily a new favourite. Amie Kaufman's writing was fabulous, and I love how she wrote the whole dragon and wolf transformation! Such a fun read and cannot wait for book 2 😁 #bookblogger #amiekaufman #icewolves #middlegrade #nature #bibliophile

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Obsidio | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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Had a fun time at the #Obsidio signing last night! Both Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman are very funny and very thankful for their readers, and they spoke about their new and upcoming books (#LIFEL1K3 #IceWolves). Our very own Litten @aeeklund was the moderator, and I‘m so glad I‘ve finally got to meet you! Thanks for taking care of my books so that I could get Roman out of there for bedtime! 😽
I also met the Owlcrate girls 👍🏼

kamoorephoto @RainyDayReading Wish you could‘ve been there! 7y
RainyDayReading @kamoorephoto I was there! My boyfriend decided to surprise me and gave me a ride! They‘re both quite funny aren‘t they 😁 7y
kamoorephoto @RainyDayReading I wish we could have met!!!! 7y
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That-Bookish-Hiker How fun! Wish they came to Portland. 7y
RainyDayReading @kamoorephoto I wish we could have as well! But I‘m sure there‘ll be another time one of these days. 7y
kamoorephoto @RainyDayReading Any time you want to get together at Lake Forest Park Third Place Books for some coffee and to browse books, let me know! I can get the bus there easily 😊 7y
kamoorephoto @That-Bookish-Hiker You should be on my list of people who can send me their books (+ shipping) if you want books signed 😻 7y
That-Bookish-Hiker @kamoorephoto I‘ll have I remember that the next time I see an author up your way! 7y
RainyDayReading @kamoorephoto That sounds amazing! I will definitely let you know! I‘m down in Lynwood pretty much every other weekend, so it would be easy enough for me to meet up with you there (: 7y
Gissy You are so lucky! 👍📚😍 7y
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