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When Santa Fell to Earth | Cornelia Funke
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#itsbeginning to look like the time of year for this book. #seasonsreadings2017

RealLifeReading Oh I've not heard of this before! Will have to go find it 7y
LibrarianRyan It's absolutely adorable. Mines written all over because I use it in kids book clubs every few years 7y
LibrarianRyan Book Outlet has cheep copies. 7y
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Seventh Decimate | Stephen R Donaldson
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When I learned about SRD's #FirstNovel in years, I was elated & first in line to borrow the e-book from my library when it came out! November was so busy that I wasn't able to read much, but now #ItsBeginning. I have 4 days before my loan expires, but I expect it'll be enough time to devour the story. Dec #TBR plans are to finish e-loans before they expire, complete #LitsyAtoZ & wrap up my Goodreads challenge. Anything else I read is a bonus 😃

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The Advent Calendar | Jeremy Davies
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#itsbeginning to look like Christmas inside as we begin decorating. (Catching up from yesterday.) #seasonsreadings2017 @RealLifeReading And #tistheseason of Advent. #reindeerreads @Jess7

SandyW I love this idea foran advent calendar. 7y
Lcsmcat @SandyW The ladies at the church I grew up in make them. I grew up with one like it and when I moved out Mom bought me one. 7y
writerlibrarian Your advent calendar is really cool. 7y
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Best Day Ever | Kaira Rouda
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#ItsBeginning #FirstNovel started in December! And Here‘s my December #TBR! Not pictured- holiday audiobooks to listen to! A few are carried over from last month but with some extra time off this month, I‘m hoping to catch up on my reading!! #ReindeerReading @Jess7 #SeasonsReadings2017 @RealLifeReading #DeckTheShelves @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

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There was a time when I thought I could read all of these in December. Now is not that time. It felt different when they were spread out around the house. And when I pretended I hadn‘t actually checked out those library books. And before I stacked those two Robert Jordan bricks one on top of the other.

#itsbeginning—the December get-it-all-done-before-the-end-of-the-year panic read. #seasonsreadings2017 #TBR #ReindeerReads

BarbaraJean The bright side—I‘ve already read about 550 pages of this pile. Only about 4500 pages to go! 😩 7y
CouronneDhiver Cutting for Stone is such a good one! 7y
BarbaraJean @CouronneDhiver That‘s what eeeeeeveryone has said!! When I realized how long it is, I was going to switch it out for a shorter book (it‘s my #LitsyAtoZ pick for V), but it got so much love I decided to leave it in and see how things go! (edited) 7y
CouronneDhiver Definitely stick with it... it was, like, “changed my life” beautiful. I really, REALLY hope you enjoy it too. 7y
BarbaraJean @CouronneDhiver Oh, I love hearing about people‘s “changed my life” type books! Beloved and beautiful books like that always get pushed further up my list. 😊Really, where things will slip this month will probably be the final two HUGE Wheel of Time tomes and the library books. I‘m determined to finish my #LitsyAtoZ!! 7y
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A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens
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#seasonsreadings2017 #itsbeginning The tree is up, 3/4 of the presents are bought and wrapped, the Christmas playlist is prepped, and the hot cocoa is brewed. I am ready. ❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️ @RealLifeReading

Kaye Looks very festive. ♥️ 7y
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Russian Fairy Tales | Aleksandr Afanas'ev
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#Thankyou @Kalalalatja for the #afairytaleaday inspiration! #Itsbeginning with "The Wondrous Wonder, the Marvelous Marvel".

@Cinfhen #decdays
@RealLifeReading #seasonsreadings2017

Cinfhen Love this idea 💛💡 7y
Kalalalatja Hope you enjoy it! 7y
diovival @Cinfhen Yes! My folktales were starting to get dusty. @Kalalalatja I'm excited to read my way through so many stories! How did you keep yourself from bingeing? 7y
Kalalalatja @diovival I tried to read one fairytale during the morning before I had to go out, so I didn't have time to read more 😄 7y
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#itsbeginning means putting up the Christmas tree and watching the Muppet Family Christmas on YouTube. ❤ #seasonsreadings2017 @RealLifeReading

SassyBookworm One of my favorite Christmas movies!!! Loved the muppets!! 7y
Krysta One of my must-watch movies every year. Love it!!! 7y
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