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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
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#boleybooks #littlesecrets #jenniferhillier #bookbeast #mustread #bookbuds #bookchat
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
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#boleybooks #jarofhearts #jenniferhillier #bookbeast #bookbuds #mustread
Now Available in Audio! 🥳🎉📚Wonderland- Jennifer Hillier
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com//wonderland/
#boleybooks #wonderland #jenniferhillier #mcmillanaudiobooks #bookbeast #bookjoy
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #JenniferHillier #wonderland #bookbeast #bookjoy #NetGalley #audiobook
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I've always been a big fan of Pinterest, and making vision boards, especially when reading books! While on Pinterest I stumbled across a new app, Shuffles by Pinterest! You can even import your pictures from Pinterest! ♥️ Not sponsored, I promise. 😅 Here's my Shuffle from my latest read! #jarofhearts #jenniferhillier #bookshuffles
Man, Jennifer Hillier just keeps coming through with excellent work. Grateful that in-library traffic isn‘t overwhelming today so that I can sit and read! 😍😮 #littlesecrets #jenniferhillier
First Jennifer Hillier book for me and I‘m enjoying it so far! About halfway through with high hopes. Also, don‘t mind Bella back talking in the background 🤣 #ThingsWeDoInTheDark #JenniferHillier #BellatrixLeCat
Now Available!! 🥳🎉📚
Jennifer Hillier
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com/2022//things-we-do-in-the-dark/
#boleybooks #thingswedointhedark #jenniferhillier #bookbeast #bookjoy #booklaunch #kamiboley #bookreview #bookbuds
#TheThingsWeDoInTheDark #JenniferHillier #BookSpinBingo
Paris Paralta is charged with murder after she finds her celebrity husband dead in the bathtub. Ruby Reyes was charged with murder twenty-five years ago. Reyes knows who Paris really is and she threatens to expose all of Paris‘ secrets. This is a heart-pounding and surprise-filled plot that started out slow but heated up and kept me turning pages until the very end.