Rewatching some Jessica Jones while i get more work done on the site to get it up by tomorrow. Maybe I will get to some audiobookin' before bed.
#NWC #PLC #TBRCrew #NewYear_NewYou
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
Rewatching some Jessica Jones while i get more work done on the site to get it up by tomorrow. Maybe I will get to some audiobookin' before bed.
#NWC #PLC #TBRCrew #NewYear_NewYou
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
I liked the first volume better. This one read kind of disjointed like abs confused me.
This is for Vol. 1 of the Jessica Jones: Alias series.
I really enjoyed it. Jessica is so bad ass in the show I wanted to read the comics. They are really good but I prefer the Jessica in the show.
Jessica Jones is a former superhero who has traded in her costume for a private investigator badge, digging up the dirt on people, often finding out what people already suspect. While the book does a good job establishing the character and her role in the Marvel universe, it felt like a standard p.i. story. Potential definitely, but not completely fulfilled in this collection.
I feel like Jessica Jones as a series has found its groove again. This was fun to read and kept me guessing. Looking forward to more! #24in48
Sometimes people write “Strong female characters” in a way that makes me cringe. Maybe it‘s just a matter of taste, but the women in this seemed tough, and caring, and prickly in believable ways. Also, Thor is both adorable and the worst party guest.