Feeling a bit under the weather #Allergies? #Cold? #Both? so I‘m indulging in a little fluff reading. #Kindle #Romance #JunkFoodReads #KindleDeals #FreeOrNearlyFreeReads #IShouldBeGrading
Feeling a bit under the weather #Allergies? #Cold? #Both? so I‘m indulging in a little fluff reading. #Kindle #Romance #JunkFoodReads #KindleDeals #FreeOrNearlyFreeReads #IShouldBeGrading
A pleasant, quick read, this British romance is told from multiple perspectives, but unlike many other recent novels that have attempted this, One Day didn‘t fail miserably (high praise, I know; I‘m a tough customer). With plenty of allusions to British romantic comedies, this tale puts its reader on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, and like the high-speed ride, you know where you‘re going, but that doesn‘t make the trip any less enjoyable.
Sometimes some escapist pleasure reading is just what the doctor ordered.
#WhatADay #JunkFoodReads #PleasureReading #MeTime #BookInASeries #SuggestedByAFriend
A little pre-work pleasure reading. If only I had this rainy day off to read. C‘est la vie!
#SuggestedByFriends #BookInASeries #JunkFoodReads