“The present could never be untethered from the past, you couldn't understand one without the other.”
“The present could never be untethered from the past, you couldn't understand one without the other.”
This book gets high praise in the Netherlands but I didn‘t like it at all. A parade of northern African people travel between Amsterdam and Paris where all of them live and meet and tell stories. Because there are so many of them it all feels kind of disconnected . So after 50%, I bailed.
I forgot to do this yesterday so I‘ll have two. 😊
Thanks, @ChaoticMissAdventures
“20 Day Cover Challenge - As we start a new year and think about what we want in a book.
Choose 20 books that have stayed with you or influenced you. One book per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.” 2/20
This is nice collection of Moraccan short stories. As the title already gives away, it concentrates mostly on funny stories of kif-smoking Maroccans. The culture of smoking is explained in the foreword. I did not expect some of the stories to be this saucy since Marocco is an Islamic country.
I went through my book shelves and came across this collection of Maroccan stories. Must have gotten it from a little free library and completely forgot about it. 🙈
3✨ Is it me or are horse and boy stories very similar? Sham the horse and Agba are pretty much attached at the hip. They go through many rich hands, and it goes through the life story of Sham with his boy. It ends really sadly. The illustrations are very beautiful. #Roll100 @PuddleJumper
This book is wonderfully written. While the plot is predictable, it is the themes and history that is more important. The descriptions of the rural and city landscapes, food, culture, heritage and folklore transport you right into Morocco during the time they are fighting for their independence from the French. A great introduction (fictionally) to the fight for Moroccan independence. Jane Johnson is quickly becoming one of my top authors.
Kicking off the week at the cottage with the remainder of this book. I'm quite enjoying it so far and it has me craving Moroccan food! There is nothing I love better than reading with a lake view.
#Morocco #Independence #CottageReading #LakeSideReading #LibraryBook
Long weekend reading in the backyard. I don't think I've ever read a book set in Morocco so I'm excited to learn a bit about the countries landscapes and culture. I just hope I have time to finish the book as it needs to go back to the library soon.
#Morocco #Independence #LibraryBook #LongWeekend