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Men Without Women | Haruki Murakami
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Check out the Haruki Murakami display at Kinokuniya (a Japanese/English bookstore by Bryant Park with AMAZING stationery in the basement). Too bad I already bought Men Without Women earlier today at Barnes and Noble...(It was 30% off!) #MurakamiMadness

TheLondonBookworm 😍😍😍 7y
LeahBergen The Murakami Pilgrimage (lower right) looks interesting, too. 👀 7y
katedensen @LeahBergen I was blown away by the fact that the display included titles ABOUT him. I have one: 7y
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I finished this about a week ago & can now say, Haruki Murakami, where have you been all my life?! It's so dreamy that I had to live with it awhile. Thanks to Litsy since this would have never been on my radar otherwise. I just loved every element of the story & even the parts that were so obviously missing.

katedensen Welcome to #MurakamiMadness! Just be careful you don't read too many of his books in a row--he reuses so many of the same themes and motifs (hence the existence of Haruki Murakami bingo), that they'll all start to blend together. 8y
Eliza-beta Such an amazing book 8y
LilMamaMastro Thanks @katedensen for the heads-up; reading this one just made me want to go on a Murakami binge but I can see what you mean. I was going to take 1Q84 with me on vacation next week but I was vacillating anyway. I'll give that one a few books in between. Happy to be on board with #MurakamiMadness! 8y
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Vintage Murakami | Haruki Murakami
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I'm sure I'm not the only Litten who thought of Haruki Murakami for today's #17booklove theme of #AuthorILove. In lieu of finding and taking a picture of all of my Murakami books (too much work), here's the infamous Murakami bingo from the NYT Book Review that I've posted in the past.

There are only three of his books I haven't read: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Wind/Pinball, and The Strange Library.


LauraBeth Vanishing cats 😹 8y
katedensen @LauraBeth My favorite is honestly "ear fetish." So true. 8y
KarenUK Love this! 💕 8y
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katedensen @KarenUK It's so accurate! 8y
LeahBergen I like "urban ennui"! 8y
katedensen @LeahBergen It's one of my potential memoir-that-I'll-never-write titles. 8y
zsuzsanna_reads Thanks for reposting, I haven't seen this before! ❤️❤️ 8y
katedensen @zsuzsanna_reads It's a fun one! You're welcome. 8y
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It's about time I start this one. #MurakamiMadness

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