The epitome of #NobodysPerfect and we love her for it😁
#AdelesMayMashUp Day11
The epitome of #NobodysPerfect and we love her for it😁
#AdelesMayMashUp Day11
“It is incomprehensible to me now that I could ever have thought that anyone would love this ambulant bag of blood and bones.”
An odd and unconventional character, I love Eleanor for being the truest.
#nobodysperfect #adelesmaymashup
I expected to love this book because VIKINGS, but I was disappointed. It‘s a fun, fluffy romance, and I did enjoy that. However, the historical aspect isn‘t done well. Characters express modern ideas of love and romance as the norm, and somehow, no cultural differences give away the Vikings disguised among the English. 🙄 I don‘t mind authors taking liberties in historical fiction, but this didn‘t work for me.
#NobodysPerfect #AdelesMayMashUp
#NobodysPerfect #AdelesMayMashup interesting bio of the iconic director. this of course is the famous last line of his classic favorite Some Like It Hot 🎥🎬
#AdelesMayMashUp Day 11: This book would most likely be the poster child for #NobodysPerfect. This was Sunday lunch prepared by the husband - olive oil and garlic with homemade garlic chips, pine nuts, and scallops.