Picked this up while visiting friends in PA at this amazing game shop. Can not wait to start designing campaigns in the Power Rangers universe and playing with friends.
#PowerRangers #powerrangersroleplayinggame #corerulebook
Picked this up while visiting friends in PA at this amazing game shop. Can not wait to start designing campaigns in the Power Rangers universe and playing with friends.
#PowerRangers #powerrangersroleplayinggame #corerulebook
Two more Power Rangers comics arrived in the mail today. Excited for these. The collection is growing.
#DrakkonNewDawn #ThePsychoPath #PowerRangers #comics #graphicnovels
Picked this up at the local comic shop today. Another Power Rangers comic to add to my collection.
Time Force Pink Ranger Jen Scotts and Red Ranger Wes Collins have defeated their greatest enemy, discover their love may threaten all of time - but can they find a way to survive a shocking new threat and find their way back to each other?
#PowerRangers #SinsOfTheFuture #TimeForce #JenScotts #WesCollins #comicbook #graphicnovel #BoomStudios
More Power Rangers reading material arrived.
Soul of the Dragon follows a rogue Tommy as he goes to get back his kidnapped son. It is a standalone story.
Rise of Drakkon follows Tommy in the rise of power to become Lord Drakkon and leads up to the story in the Shattered Grid story arc.
#SouloftheDragon #RiseofDrakkon #PowerRangers #SabansPowerRangers #MightyMorphinPowerRangers #comics
Amazing xmas gift from the girlfriend. So excited to read this.
#saban #mightymorphinpowerrangers #powerrangers#shatteredgrid #deluxeedition #graphicnovel
I was really just sort of expecting to enjoy this based simply on the nostalgia factor, but honestly, it‘s smart, crisp, beautifully-drawn and -colored, and really well-done. AND DIANA AND KIM ARE BUDDIES AND I AM JUST STARS-IN-MY-EYES ABOUT IT. 💖 #justiceleaguepowerrangers #justiceleague #powerrangers #wonderwoman #pinkranger #dianaprince #kimberlyhart
MY TWO CHILDHOOD IDOLS ARE TALKING TO EACH OTHER AND TEAMING UP I‘M FINE 😭😭😭😭 #justiceleaguepowerrangers #justiceleague #powerrangers #wonderwoman #pinkranger #dianaprince #kimberlyhart #girlpower
The artwork in this is fabulous, honestly. And I‘m glad they‘re MY Mighty Morphins. (I‘m still salty af about the new movie and the fact that they ripped off the originals‘ names but just basically made brand-new characters.) #justiceleaguepowerrangers #justiceleague #powerrangers
I am a child and I don‘t care. 🤷🏻♀️ #justiceleaguepowerrangers #justiceleague #powerrangers