Two Readathons with this book #ReadAway24 #36by36Readathon I finished one of the books intended to read for the #36by36Readathon 4 hours read, don't remember the #chapters lol @MatchlessMarie @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
Two Readathons with this book #ReadAway24 #36by36Readathon I finished one of the books intended to read for the #36by36Readathon 4 hours read, don't remember the #chapters lol @MatchlessMarie @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
Every Canadian should read this book! An Obibway boy who is taken from his culture to be in a residential school in the early 1960s. It is sad and full of racism. As a Canadian, I feel ashamed as to how this could have been allowed to happen to so many children.As a descendent of The Ojibway people (Great Great Grandmother was Ojibway from Sault st Marie, Ont), I felt for this little boy being taken away from his culture.This book touched my heart
This book was crazy. There are so many twists and turns. Creepy, and I thought Dawn was weak in making decisions. Here is my Turkey Pot Pie, my Canadian version. Made from leftover turkey and turkey broth. Put in a pot over stove, add frozen vegetables, onion, potatoes, spices to taste, like sage, salt, cloves, add cornstarch to thicken. Pour into a deep pie dish, put a nice pie crust on top, and bake to cook the crust. And voila.#FoodandLit ⬇️
I read this book because of the cover and title. It wasn't what I expected. It was slow at the beginning, so I kept putting it down and coming back to it. I didn't care for the sexual interactions between the main characters. I don't understand why a woman would let a man be like that. In any case, it stopped with a cliffhanger, so now I may have to read book 2 of the series as the story (Without the sex scenes) is actually good. #SeriesLove24 ⬇️
The cover looked good, the book well full of teen drama. The characters never grew. This left us with a cliff hanger fir the next book. Will I read it? Not likely I'll continue with this series #HauntedShelf #FightClub #SpookoweenReadathon #Witchaton #PumkabooHuntSize Large #SeriesLove24 #ReadAway24
@PuddleJumper @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @TEArificbooks
I absolutely loved this book. The characters were great, and I laughed, cried, and sighed with relief. #LitsyLoveRomance #31by31Readathon #SpookoweenReadathon #Witchaton #LongNights #ReadAway24 #PumpkabooHuntSize @StayCurious @Catsandbooks @TEArificbooks @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @TheSpineView @PuddleJumper #HauntedShelf #FrightClub @Jadams89
This book was just ok, not really a page turner, not really scary, not a series I will be reading. It also wasn't witchy more a murder to be solved. Lots of readathons #31by31Readathon #Witchathon #Spookaween #ReadAway24 #SeriesLove24 #LongNights #PumpkabooHuntSize (medium) @Catsandbooks @TheSpineView @Bookwormjillk @PuddleJumper @TEArificbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @DieAReader @Jadams89 @GHABI4ROSES #HauntedShelf #FrightClub
Book #8 in the series. A great view of Eve's character as a person, as a cop, as a married woman. A lot of Readathons with this one. #SpookoweenReadathon #SeriesLove24 #PumpkabooHuntSize #31by31Readathon #ReadAway24 #LongNightsReadathon #HauntedShelf #FrightClub #InDeathLongReadathon @TheSpineView @Andrew65 @PuddleJumper @Catsandbooks @Bookwormjillk @DieAReader @Jadams89 @GHABI4ROSES and my Cohost for #IDLR @StayCurious
Kill-Pleted another TBR book on my #HauntedSheld 📚 Karin Slaughter is fantastic as always! #DeadSerious
#ReadallNight #Readathons #31by31 #Spookoween #Readaway24 #ReadYourOwnBooks #Halloweenatoz
My favorite Kill so far!!!! Kill-pleted 🔪
#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious #FinishedYesterdayPostedToday
#Readathonsgivemelife #Worksuckslife #StephenKing #31by32 #Spookoeen #Readaway24 #Readyourownbooks #Halloweenatoz #cozyreads #bodydoublereadathon #bodydoublereadathon