I love how Crook handled the deep dark woods in the last panel!
I love how Crook handled the deep dark woods in the last panel!
“Creator, I was so young when my parents died. Now, I carry sounds without the meaning. Isn‘t that sad?”
#CoverStories #Snake 🐍
“But if people are bitten, snakes can help! Medicine is made from their poison to treat snake bites.“
I see this book used in my classroom as a read aloud story to talk about and discuss snakes. I think this book could also fit into social emotional topics because most people feel very strongly about snakes, but they actually do a lot for our environment. This could help students to see that even if there is something they dislike, it could still be beneficial to them.
Nonfiction- Jennifer Dussling's “Slinky, Scaly Snakes!“ is a fascinating look at the world of snakes. This is an informative book that explores various snake species, their unique characteristics, and their habitats. From the venomous to the harmless, readers will discover a wealth of information about these often misunderstood creatures. This book includes photographs and the text is very engaging for children.
This book is a good pick for older readers around the 4th grade age. I love the themes of this as I love nature themes I think it‘s very engaging for elementary age students.