This gorgeous #Lorelaiandpaulanka #bookmark from #enchantedbookmarks is one of my favorites!! I'm a huge #gilmoregirls fan!!
#somedaysomedaymaybe #laurengraham #starshollow #flickthewick #bookishcandle
This gorgeous #Lorelaiandpaulanka #bookmark from #enchantedbookmarks is one of my favorites!! I'm a huge #gilmoregirls fan!!
#somedaysomedaymaybe #laurengraham #starshollow #flickthewick #bookishcandle
#BookishMail and I swear I have almost all of these that I could possibly need, but, I received my plaid "Bookvelope" as she called them. She made it for me and sent along a reversible fabric bookmark! She was so nice & quick! Inside is HB of Allegiant. Visit her shop here:
yes! That IS a #StarsHollow Sleeve #GilmoreGirls fans! Inside is HB of ACOMAF visit her here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/storybookgirls
I'm on my 9th Inspector Gamache book and I've just now realized every time I read about Three Pines I picture Stars Hollow in my head. Anyone else, or is it just me?
#inpectorgamache #threepines #starshollow #gilmoregirls