I have 53 minutes left on the audio book and — damn, it‘s gonna make me ugly cry. 😩❤️
I have 53 minutes left on the audio book and — damn, it‘s gonna make me ugly cry. 😩❤️
This is the best book I've read in 2019. It is a story of marriage, addiction, and what it really means to love, to be loved, to want and need desperately, and be needed and wanted in return. I felt a kindred spirit with Brett (female protagonist) throughout. Should I stay or should I cut bait and run? How long is too long to hold on? Will this do irreparable damage to my children? What will the neighbors say? This, my friends, is a 5 star book.
It's been a long time since I've read a book that made me feel the way I feel about the main character, Sarah Prine. The hardships of being in a wagon train, bound for, then settling in the AZ Territories in the 1800s, and the stories of family, back-breaking work, joys, and heartbreaks were rich with detail. Sarah Agnus Prine was a badass, and this AZ girl feels a new connection with her birth state and a woman of unbelievable strength. 5 stars.
My favorite contemporary poet. #WildlyIntotheDarkTour ❤
All of these were fantastic, with the exception of Hidden Bodies, which lacked the sparkle and humor of it's predecessor, You. ❤
Started today and giving myself til December 31 to finish. #longhaulreading ❤
This is my first Saunders and it is absolute genius. Run immediately to Audible to listen to the brilliance of Nick Offerman, David Sedaris, and a host of others tell the story of the death of Abraham Lincoln's son Willie and the ghosts that hover near him, watch over him, and tell us their stories of their own lives and deaths. The format is very different, but refreshingly so. Whether you read it with your eyes or ears, READ IT! 5 giant stars.
Oh, this book. The story follows twin 13-year-old sisters, Stasha and Pearl, into Auschwitz. In vivid, heartbreaking detail, we are immersed in their world of terror and extreme physical and emotional pain at the hands of The Angel of Death, Josef Mengele. The book is a lesson in dichotomies, pitting sorrow and despair against unshakeable love and the strength of human spirit. Affinity Konar's writing is gorgeous, ethereal, unafraid. A must read.❤
This was everything I needed for the last few weeks. England, WWI France, tea, fires, history, romance, heartache, and a strong, smart female protagonist. ❤
Any fans of this series? I'm part-way through this first book and loving it! ❤
I spent my birthday on Monday reading. And then reading with champagne. ☺️
An epic saga of the generations of the Greek-American Stephanides family. From the unlikely and disconcerting union of Desdimona and Lefty, to the riots of Detroit, to the self-discovery of a girl named Calliope, to a boy named Cal, this book leads the reader on a journey so exquisite that the characters will be mourned when the book ends. You will long for a movie of it, or a sequel, or perhaps just the opportunity to read it again. ❤️
Playing catch up. Happy Sunday! #readreadread #allthebooks
Patti opened my heart and mind back up again after several weeks of sadness. Maybe the realness of it, of her, is what did it. Or revisiting the history of the NYC scene in the 60s and 70s. Whatever it was, it's become one of my new favorite books. My full review is here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1802469565 ❤️ P.S. Listen on audio to hear her read her own story.
It has taken me a bit to process this book. It's the best kind of reading...the kind that makes you think and feel deeply. You can read my full review here: https://liveoakreview.net/2016/11/18/black-like-me-by-john-howard-griffin/. ❤️
Just organized my books. Far left are those I've read for #FirstDraftBookClub. Next are books I've read this year for #BookBingo or just because. Next two stacks are TBR in no particular order. Yes, I need shelves. 😩❤️
A collection of work comprised of Didion's published magazine articles, stories of life in California and NYC, lessons in 60s history and lore, and personal essays on topics like self-respect, morality, keeping a notebook, and going home. No matter which style she is writing in, journalist or personal essayist, she is an awe-inspiring genius. And just look at her in her 60s glory! ❤️
This book...Joan Didion's writing...Diane Keating's voice. You guys...no words. 😍
Love him or hate him, this guy is a master storyteller. Whip smart and likable, Lowe shares his stories with warmth, gratitude and self-deprecating humor. As the narrator of the audio book, his voice is soothing and his diction is perfection. The stories range from early childhood in Dayton, OH to catching the acting bug; to his school days in Malibu with the Sheens and the Penns to his sex tape scandal, alcoholism, marriage and fatherhood. 5 🌟s!
This is a glorious book! Beautifully written, a story of deep love between a husband and wife, and their love for a child that came into their lives and hearts under unusual circumstances. They saved her and she saved them, but the life-altering decisions they make bring about heartbreaking results. I loved this book. ❤️
This is a lovely book. The story is so compelling and the writing is quite beautiful. Wish I could ditch work and read all day. ❤️
Not as many books as I'd like. My long commute has changed my schedule and I have less time for sitting and reading. Taking full advantage of Audible, but man, I do love to hold books and turn their pages and smell that delicious smell. ❤️
I LOVED this book! It was part of my 2 for 1 sale haul on Audible and being able to listen to it in my car while driving to work made my whole week better. Hugh Fraser narrated and he was fabulous. Every character was perfection. And who doesn't love a good Agatha Christie mystery? #fanforlife ❤️
You guys! This book on audio is fabulous. The narrator is HI-larious! There is a scene where four characters are playing Mahjong that had me crying. His characterizations of each person...spot on. Agatha's And Then There Were None was my first "grown up" book at 11. Loved her then, love her now. ❤️
A fun, quick YA read with a body-positive message. Willowdean Dixon is 16 and a self-proclaimed chubby girl. But she doesn't take any sh** from anyone. She knees a school bully for trying to shame her, then enters the town beauty pageant to make it known that she belongs there as much as anyone. ❤️
This is a very quick listen on audio, written by a food blogger who lost 135 lbs. It isn't a self-help book. Just a story of a sad little girl who grew up using food as comfort, love, and friendship, and how she learned to make peace with food and her body. 4 ❤️s
I hear the movie wasn't great, but the book is. Diving in! ❤️
I wanted to love this book, but I just didn't find it as compelling as I'd hoped. Started strong, but by the middle I was over the main character in a big way. She was meant to be sympathetic, but I found her quite annoying, and the other characters were two dimensional. Just meh for me.
Guys, this one is gonna rip my heart out. 😩
If you love fairy tales, fantasy, sci-fi, scary stories, humor, or paranormal occurrences, this will be your jam. But you really should listen to it on audio. Gaiman's voice is smooth and DELISH. The way he said "whip" or "snap" or "crack"...so British and yummy. ❤️
I love mysteries, creepers, and suspense lately. Ever wonder why you're drawn to particular genres? Any theories? ❤️
So much to say in only 300 characters. Ridiculously smart, ironic writing about Sybil Weatherfield, temp & writer, and her eclectic mix of friends. 90s Manhattan as the pulsing center of the universe for these 30-something seekers of truth and 24-hour-diners. Dripping with pop culture and wit.
Loeanneth, the lake house, is the shining star in this mystery of family secrets, love, revenge, guilt and redemption. While I enjoyed the winding plot that took me from Cornwall 1933-2003, it was the house that held the magic for me. Stunning prose, but a pat, overly tidy ending. Still 🌟🌟🌟🌟.
I had no idea how graphic this book would be. It was a page-turner to be sure, but if you are at all squeamish, this one's not for you. It was filled with twists and turns and had two strong and likable female lead characters (sisters Lydia and Claire). Psychological creepy thriller, great on audio.
Could there be a more perfect passage to sum up desperation? I am loving this book! 😍
Guys, this book is uber-creepy and dark. I'm only about halfway through and so much has already been revealed that I'm scared of what the rest of the book will be like. 😳 Thanks for the audio reco @OneLitChick
How do we feel about this? Anything missing? Anything on the list you wouldn't include?
Shonda is incredible. So talented and so many accomplishments. Her year of "yes" was entertaining and inspirational to listen to on audio. I had some problems towards the end, but she's still a badass. 4 ❤️s from me. My full review is here https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1564369310
I'm loving Love Slave and all of it's New York-ness. It makes me long for a trip to Manhattan for the clubs, the food, the sights and smells and, most of all, the people watching. And how cool am I that I know the author @JenniferSpiegel