Once I am done the tagged book, I have the following on my TBR pile. Any in particular stand out to anyone that you would recommend I start? #tbr #books #tbrmountain #whattochoose 🫣🫠🙃🤔📚
Once I am done the tagged book, I have the following on my TBR pile. Any in particular stand out to anyone that you would recommend I start? #tbr #books #tbrmountain #whattochoose 🫣🫠🙃🤔📚
#CoverLove #Lavender I bought this several years ago when Oxford University Press had a sale. I‘ve browsed it , haven‘t read it cover to cover, need to get to it . #TBRMountain
#StorySettings #River There were raves about this book when it first came out, this copy was passed to me by a friend & it languishes on my #TBRMountain as well. I have heard it‘s really good though a dense read . Historical fiction dealing with Germany in the WWII years will be covering difficult things. Hope to get to it soon.
#StorySettings #Mountain playing catch up. This is Abbey‘s 3rd novel ,originally published in 1962 . Still on my #TBRMountain
#ItTakesAllKinds #WomanFacingAway One of those books I found at a used booksale that looks interesting, still on the #TBRMountain
Thank you @dabbe for the #TLT tag! 🤗
Hard to narrow it to three, but…
1️⃣ The tagged book-love & grief in the life of a teenage girl in 1987. If you haven‘t read it, you must. 💙
2️⃣ Little Women -it‘s a classic & my first bildungsroman love. 💚
3️⃣ Never Let Me Go-I find people either love or really dislike this one, but it‘s love for me. Bleak, dystopian coming of age.🩶
Who else wants to share their three? Consider yourself tagged! 🤗