Starting this today. Finally done reading for #TOB2020 #TOB20 #dystopia #stayhome #washyourhands #thankyoumedicalpeople
Starting this today. Finally done reading for #TOB2020 #TOB20 #dystopia #stayhome #washyourhands #thankyoumedicalpeople
You guys. I got to spend some time talking about the Tournament of Books with Jenny of @ReadingEnvy and now it‘s an episode of the Reading Envy Pocast: https://tinyurl.com/ReadingEnvy183. Being a guest on one of my favorite podcasts is a little surreal. I hope you enjoy it.
#tob #tob2020 #tob20
📷: repost from @ReadingEnvy
For the first time ever, I filled out the brackets. I don't think Normal People will actually win, but I *want* it to. 🙂
Hoping to see The Testaments go down in 🔥🔥🔥 tomorrow!
#tob #tob20
And the Tournament of Books 2020 is off to the races. To stick with the metaphor, I didn‘t have a horse in this play-in round, but I enjoyed the judgment. What did you think?
#tob #tob2020 #tob20
Very entertaining and touching novel about a woman who gets recruited by her high school best friend to take care of her step-children, who just happen to randomly catch on fire. Loved Kevin Wilson‘s writing style and I will definitely be checking out his short story collections soon. #ToB #ToB20
Started off thinking this book about a group of friends in their 20s who hack a government file would be a DNF for me but pushed through since it‘s on the #ToB shortlist. The writing was a bit stale and I didn‘t really end up caring about any of the characters, but the issues about privacy addressed were interesting to think about. I think this book would have been stronger if it had fewer point of views and left out all the ESP. #tob2020 #tob20
Hey Litsy, have any of you participated in Roosters Tournament Of Books?. I am curious about it. I have started listening to this podcast called So Many Damn Books and they have a series of episodes that talk about it. It sounds interesting.