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First up for #DiceyDalliance is this book. I rolled a seven with my eight-sided die. It was only after I looked at it closer that I realized it was eight-sided. Why I only chose seven books, I don‘t know. This book doesn‘t have good reviews here on Litsy (or any reviews at all), but I‘m gonna give it a go. #UpNext

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My only dilemma this morning is which book to read first, since I‘ve got several that I‘ve checked out from the library, and I don‘t think I‘ll be able to finish them all before I need to return them.

If I can‘t decide, I‘ll just continue with the third book in this series. I‘m trying to get through as many of them as I can before they are removed from Audible‘s free section at the end of the month.

#UpNext #TheStruggleIsReal #ReaderProblems

Lsmoore43 I would read them in order. Check out the ones you didn't finish again?? Maybe?? 2mo
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This came in the mail today. I‘m excited to use it to help me in my Kipper and Lenormand deck readings. #UpNext

Chrissyreadit this sounds interesting- and I‘ve never heard of it! 2mo
Soscha My first time hearing about these cartomancy decks. Neato. They seem truncated compared to tarot decks, more direct info with 30-36 cards, about. 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly Wow, I‘ve heard of Lenormand but not Kipper—very cool! 2mo
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slategreyskies @Chrissyreadit I‘m new to it myself. I‘ve had a Lenormand deck for a little while, but I ended up purchasing both a Lenormand and a Kipper by Marchetti. The selling point for me was that the decks are supposed to be the same size and are able to be used together in the same reading. I actually shuffled the two decks together and have been using them like that. They are very slightly different sizes, but I can make it work. 2mo
slategreyskies @Soscha they are quite different than tarot, and I don‘t understand them as well as tarot yet, but I‘m trying to learn. 2mo
slategreyskies @Clare-Dragonfly yeah, they are new to me as well. I have a friend who uses the two decks together in readings, and she inspired me to give it a go. I don‘t understand the cards very well yet. I‘m very much still learning. 2mo
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The Seven | Chris Hammer
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#upnext #ozfiction Time for a comfort read. Younger me read a lot of crime fiction. Older me tends to seek more diversity and complexity. From time to time I like to dip my toe back into quality crime fic.
I am recovering from Covid, have one more week of summer holidays before I return to work, and the weather is heating up, so this should be just the ticket.

☀️We are expecting 37C today and 41C tomorrow 🥵

BarbaraBB That is hot and yet I‘d prefer it to the rain and cold over here. Enjoy your last week! 6mo
LeeRHarry Got up to low-mid 30s over here and I nearly melted when I went outside! Heading to the northern hemisphere in Feb and I can‘t wait for the cold and snow! ❄️😊 6mo
Jeg I‘m enjoying being inside with the AC. Hope you are all feeling better. Seems like the holidays have flown by. I enjoyed this book . I 6mo
Jeg I was going to say before that comment seemed to post itself, that I did not see the end coming. 6mo
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Gigi, Listening | Chantel Guertin
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Clwojick How are you liking it? This on on my list this month too! 11mo
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The Personal Librarian | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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#UpNext Love Robin Miles 🙌🏻🎧♥️#52Books #BooksOnTheCover #Libby

BarbaraBB I think my parcel actually made it to Israel, unbelievable. My T&T says they delivered yesterday but you weren't at home. I hope they'll try again or that they left a pick-up point 🤞🏽😘 2y
Cinfhen Look what I JUST posted @BarbaraBB #KISMIT XXXXX 2y
Cinfhen Now hopefully your package arrives @BarbaraBB 2y
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BarbaraBB 🤞🏽🤞🏽 it‘s been almost two months right? Unbelievable… 2y
Cinfhen I shipped your gift on November 7 @BarbaraBB 😫 2y
Megabooks She is fantastic!!! 2y
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#UpNext Another book from @MallenNC #ALspine list 🤩I‘m looking forward and it‘s not very long😁

MallenNC Enjoy! I am starting one from your list today. Normal Family was available on Libby. 2y
Cinfhen Hurray @MallenNC I thought this was riveting! Especially Christa‘s mom!!! She was MORE FASCINATING than the dad. 2y
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#ReadingAmericas23 #UpNext My expectations are in check ✅ But I‘m looking forward to diving (😉) into #StVincentAndTheGrenadines @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Curious what you‘ll think. Setting is great anyhow 🥰 2y
Cinfhen I‘m only about an hour into the audio but I‘m REALLY LIKING it @BarbaraBB - exactly the book I crave when I want an easy listen 💜 2y
BarbaraBB I can totally see why! 2y
Librarybelle I‘m looking forward to this one! 2y
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#upNext - How can I resist those eyes?!??!

Cinfhen Apparently I CAN resist those eyes… I‘m bailing!!! I guess I prefer memoirs to biographies 😜 2y
squirrelbrain I‘ve only seen one review for this and it *wasn‘t* good at all… 2y
Cinfhen Yeah @squirrelbrain it only took 21 minutes for me to realize this wasn‘t going to be worth my time. Total shame because Elizabeth Taylor is a fascinating woman💜 2y
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