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Cantoras: A Novel | Carolina De Robertis
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1970s Uruguay in the midst of a dictatorship where family members disappear, where curfews keep people indoors and where secrets could get you killed - five queer women take a huge chance to escape to a deserted seaside village for a week where they can be free to speak and love openly. But can one week change anything? This novel is filled with heat - both passion and rage. All five characters are unforgettable I ADORED this book!

Ruthiella I‘ve had this on my list for forever. I even checked it out once but didn‘t get to it. I think I originally wanted to read it because of Jenny @ReadinEnvy ❤️ 7mo
sarahbarnes Yes! I loved this one too!! 7mo
Centique @Ruthiella i didnt know about her review until after i read it. Always bittersweet to read her reviews 💕 7mo
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Centique @sarahbarnes it was a joy to read 😍 7mo
Hooked_on_books Yes, I loved this one! 7mo
Reggie Malena💔 7mo
Centique @Reggie ALL the love for Malena 💔 7mo
Rissreads There is a lot of Litsy love for this book. I can‘t believe I haven‘t heard of it! Stacked! 7mo
CarolynM Stacked for sure🙂 7mo
Centique @Rissreads @CarolynM i think you would both love this! 7mo
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The President and the Frog | Carolina De Robertis
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Here‘s my review for a book I didn‘t finish. I had a feeling before I started reading this book that it wasn‘t going to be for me but I wanted to give it a fair chance. You never know if a book will be for you until you try reading it.

The President and the Frog | Carolina De Robertis
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I also decided to start this book. I own a physical copy of this book that I won from a Goodreads giveaway but I‘m listening to it on audio. It‘s only 5 hours. I‘m feeling bored with this book but I‘ll stick with it for now.

The President and the Frog | Carolina De Robertis
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Day 1 of the #wintergames photo challenge - Red Cover

Today, I‘m sharing this book with a red cover. I own a physical copy of it because it‘s a book I won from a Goodreads giveaway but I‘m going to listen to it on audio. I found the audiobook on Libby. I don‘t know if I‘m going to like it or not but the audiobook is only 5 hours. If I don‘t like this book, I‘ll DNF it and unhaul the book too.


BookwormAHN Yay 🤍👻🤍 9mo
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Hunter of Stories | Eduardo Galeano
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I checked this book out from my library so I could post some of the best parts (I read the audiobook). This is one of my favorite “stories.”

Hunter of Stories | Eduardo Galeano
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This is a book of stories, no doubt, but the vast majority are a minute or shorter! Less than a handful are 3 or fewer minutes. It could be hard to grasp some of it since they are so short and I listened to it rather than read it. But some “stories” were so profound, I‘m going to have to find the IRL book. The author was from #Uruguay but he shared morsels from all over the world: quotes, news, history, thoughts. But I did love his references ⬇️

Texreader to his love of soccer (football) and the team from Uruguay that won the World Cup in 1950. The storyteller went from thoughtful and sedate to leaping out of the speakers with delight talking about soccer. While a few things I didn‘t like, including his reverence for some politics, I found this book so rewarding. A completely unexpected and delightful choice for #readingtheAmericas. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB 10mo
Librarybelle Sounds very interesting! 9mo
Aimeesue I always mean to read more Galeano. I read Children of the Days and really loved it. Such a different style. He says so much with so few words. 9mo
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Hunter of Stories | Eduardo Galeano
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Tagged. If he were alive and I could manage to schedule Thanksgiving dinner with him, it‘d be a fascinating conversation. I can‘t wait to review this book.

Who‘d you have dinner with?

Ruthiella Richard Osman. No doubt he would be charming! 😃 10mo
dabbe Leo Tolstoy. Or his translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Have no idea what I would say. 🤣 10mo
TheKidUpstairs Last completed - Travis Baldree. I feel like it would be a good time! 10mo
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Tamra I‘m guessing my dinner might be a tad awkward since I don‘t speak French. 😅 Reading Laurent Mauvignier. I can‘t even pronounce his last name. 10mo
AmandaBlaze Celia Krampien. Should be fun and maybe a little spooky. 10mo
RamsFan1963 I don't think that will be much fun for me, since James White is no longer among the living. He would have been a better Halloween dinner companion. 10mo
julesG Caimh (C.K.) McDonnell - this could get hilarious if he's as much fun in real life as on paper. I requested the ARC for the fourth Stranger Times novel 9mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom Leo Tolstoy, since I'm reading Anna Karenina. Or Alka Joshi I feel would be much better as I'm also reading 9mo
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Hunter of Stories | Eduardo Galeano
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My next audiobook is for #Uruguay for #readingtheAmericas @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

One of my last two books for this challenge!

BarbaraBB Incredible 🙌🏽 10mo
Librarybelle Amazing!! 10mo
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The President and the Frog | Carolina De Robertis
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The President and the Frog | Carolina De Robertis
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