#whereareyoumonday @Cupcake12
#whereintheworldareyou #NorthSea #Denmark #Germany
I'm in Marstal on the Danish island Aeroe and at the Eckernfoerder Bucht in North Germany.
Where are you? @hannah-leeloo @Enchanted_Bibliophile
#whereareyoumonday @Cupcake12
#whereintheworldareyou #NorthSea #Denmark #Germany
I'm in Marstal on the Danish island Aeroe and at the Eckernfoerder Bucht in North Germany.
Where are you? @hannah-leeloo @Enchanted_Bibliophile
#WhereAreYouMonday #WhereInTheWorldAreYou @Cupcake12
This novel takes place in a number of places - Toronto (my hometown!), NYC (where I live now!) and LA as well as around the US side of the Great Lakes. The part I‘m currently lot reading is set in Toronto though. I love reading about places I know or reading about a place before I travel there. Getting a feel for the area.
Loving this read, it‘s just my cup of tea.
#whereintheworldareyou @Cupcake12
I'm in Mesopotamia, in what is Iraq today. First we are in Baghdad, then at a fictional archaelogical site near Mossul (?? I suppose).
Happy Monday everyone.
Where are you in the world according to your current read? 🌍
I‘m currently reading the above book which is set in an elite boarding school in England. First book I‘ve read by this author.
Hope you all have a good day x