I'm on a 3 hour road trip so I apologize in advance for the posts that will clog your feed!!
How scary would it be to wake up every morning and not remember your life? And not know what caused it!!
I'm on a 3 hour road trip so I apologize in advance for the posts that will clog your feed!!
How scary would it be to wake up every morning and not remember your life? And not know what caused it!!
Of all her books, this one is my favorite 😊
#90sinJuly #WheresMyMind 🤔Early onset dementia and Alzheimer's is a truly heartbreaking illness💔These novels all deal with the disease and the effects on both family members, caregivers and those who have the condition. I've just started Idaho, and it seems one of the main characters suffers from early onset dementia. I pray one day scientists can discover a way to prevent this terrible neurological disorder.