#cathcrowley ‘s #wordsindeepblue has at its center some of my favorite plot points: a bookstore, a tragic event, and a lost love. This book captivated me from moment one—I highly recommend it!
#cathcrowley ‘s #wordsindeepblue has at its center some of my favorite plot points: a bookstore, a tragic event, and a lost love. This book captivated me from moment one—I highly recommend it!
I'm loving Words in Deep Blue 😍 It was an #unreadbook on my shelf since December '16 and I am so glad I finally picked it up 😄
#cathcrowley #wordsindeepblue #bookworm
Absolutely stunning and adorable book. I have to say some of the characters weren't my favorite, but I loved this book all the same. What's not to like about a bookstore-love letter-romance?? #wordsindeepblue #ya #contemporary
December 12: Favorite New Author of 2017 - I loved #wordsindeepblue so Cath Crowley is my favorite new author this year. I need to read her other books. #allthebooksdec
🦋 Just an appreciation post for this beautiful book; I originally had to read it for work but recently ordered my own copy and was over the moon when it arrived🦋 #bookish #CathCrowley #booknerd #WordsInDeepBlue #bookworm #book
Where would I be without #coffee? 😆 In Bed.
Have you read any of these? I've finished 5 #whendimplemetrishi #oneofusislying #wordsindeepblue & #historyisallyouleftme #theupsideofunrequited
#bookish #nakedbooks #bookishrainbow #rainbow #booknerd
What are your top 5 favorite YA contemporary books?
1. Hawthorne and Heathcliff
2. Words in Deep Blue
3. Since You've Been Gone
4. The Sun Is Also A Star
5. The Problem With Forever
#wordsindeepblue #illgiveyouthesun #unexpectedeverything #thesunisalsoastar #fangirl
A love story that is centered around a bookstore? Sign us up! #WordsinDeepBlue by @cathcrowleybooks follows Rachel who moves away from her crush Henry, whose family owned a bookstore, but she left a letter stating her feelings for him in a book. Years later Rachel is moving back after her brother has died and gets a job at the bookstore. Maybe Rachel and Henry will have a second chance at friendship and possibly love.
A YA novel centered around a used bookstore. A novel about second chances at love, unrequited love, and remembering to live after tragedy strikes. You can check out my full review on blog. The link is in my bio.
#bibliophile #bookshops #wordsindeepblue #contemporary