You are invited to view my latest booktube episode about my weeklong fibre arts retreat plus five books I‘ve recently finished.
#FramedinSeptember #ArtReadathon #StrayaSeptember2 #Shaketember #LitsyCrafters
You are invited to view my latest booktube episode about my weeklong fibre arts retreat plus five books I‘ve recently finished.
#FramedinSeptember #ArtReadathon #StrayaSeptember2 #Shaketember #LitsyCrafters
This was FASCINATING. Schlanger, a journalist, was burned out from covering climate change, so she turned her attention to plants. How they interact with their environment, each other, and with those that would eat them.
If you liked Ed Yong's An Immense World, this is essentially the plant science version, and you will love it. I did. And the author is an engaging narrator, if audio is your thing.
Highly recommended!
This was an amazing book. To be honest I almost did not read it, I had downloaded the audiobook but the narrator was not for me. The print book was much better.
I also had to google a lot of the Latin names and the print book allowed for me to get the spelling correct.
Is the earth a living, self-regulating organism?
This is one I had to take my time with. A bit technical at times, but an interesting read.
I'm finally caught up for the first time in years with my favorite podcast. This past episode was an interview with author David Toomey about how animals play. Very interesting stuff. Has anyone read this book?
I was recently (after several years of illness) diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome. Afrin is the doctor who first described it, and I‘m really glad my doc recommended this. Because mast cells can release over 200 different mediators when they‘re activated, the syndrome can look very different patient to patient. If you or a loved one has been lingering with strange symptoms, I highly recommend reading this before your next appointment!
This book about the capabilities of plants is absolutely fascinating. I‘m glad to see the western attitude toward our natural world starting to change, with books like this one, Ed Yong‘s An Immense World and Hope Jahren‘s Lab Girl. Imagine how much we can learn about the life around us just by opening our minds. Fittingly, I was listening to this one while harvesting flowers. Thanks @Soubhiville for putting this on my radar!
@Hooked_on_books Thank you Holly for the birthday packages! I‘m thrilled with all of these books, I wish I could take a few days off and just sit reading them all. The fused glass fish is cute, I‘m trying to remember the type of fish it might be- a Tang of some sort? I‘m going to try looking it up.
I‘ll keep an eye out for the Malaprop‘s box, which I‘m sure will come soon. Thank you again! 🥰🎂